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Eun woo : But I'm not..
Y/n : (you looked at him with confusion) Ah-okay. I'll go change!
(You immediately stood up and walked towards the bathroom)

Eun woo's Pov
Should I tell her? Ah! it's so confusing.. But she don't deserve to be cheated like this. Ugh! i can't betray her!
But... i already betrayed her.. sigh~
i will tell her everything.. maybe she'll understand. She deserves to be told the truth. Yeah! I'll tell her tonight!

(you came out of the bathroom with comfy clothes. and sat on the bed He came close and sat beside you)

Eun woo : Y/n..I want to tell you something.
Y/n : (you were more confused now) What is it eun woo?
Eun woo : Um aa - actually.. sigh~
Y/n: What? (you were confused)
Eun woo: Actually.. You know this is arranged marriage!

(you were looking down without any expression lost in your own world)

Eun woo : aa- y/n?
Y/n : (you shot your head up) hmm?
Eun woo : I mean. I'm still not taking it! It will take time to be comfortable with each other!
Y/n ( with a sad smile you said) Ah-Yes Eun woo! You are right!
Eun woo: Like you understand right?
Y/n: Of course.
Eun woo: I've never been around girls so it is really difficult for me.
Y/n : Hmm
Eun woo : More of that.. I'm really busy because of the training of CEO these days. so i am stressed about it too!
Y/n : What do you mean?
Eun woo : I mean. I'm still not actual CEO. I'm on training.
Y/n : Ah. hmm
Eun woo : Sleep tight!
Y/n : You too. good night
Eun woo :(smiled) good night
Y/n : we can still be friends right? (suddenly shot up and said)
Eun woo : of course we can! (he said with a smile)
Y/n : okay then. (reassuring smile) We can start with that!
Eun woo : now!
y/n : good night.
Eun woo : good night!

Eun woo's pov
After the Perfect Lying session i laid down on the couch.Ugh! This is so stressing.I can't...i can't do this..I can't lie to her. still i can't tell her the truth.what if she tells everyone about it. sigh~ I have to wait for the right time. being emotional will give me nothing. You have come so far Eun woo. There's no going back now! I don't know what to do next....sigh~.......
With all these thoughts he fell asleep not knowing when!


i woke up and looked for eun woo but he already left the room so i got freshen up and left the room

i woke up and looked for eun woo but he already left the room so i got freshen up and left the room

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Mrs Jung : You look so beautiful y/n!!
Y/n : Thank you Aunty.
Mrs jung : now i am sad!
y/n : but why?
Mrs jung : please don't call me with those names.. I'll be happy if you call me mom!
y/n : ah-okay... mom.. (said awkwardly)
Mrs jung : this will take some time and you'll be habitual then! (reassuring smile)
y/n : (bowed your head)
(someone else was looking at you with questionable eyes)
Y/n : woah! this is my dream breakfast!! cortisone! i love them!!
Mrs jung: you like French breakfast?
Y/n : Yes aun.. oh- mom!
Mrs jung: (laughs slightly) Enjoy dear!

In your room

Eun woo was sitting on the couch and doing his work on laptop.
Y/n : Eun woo?
Eun woo : hmm?
Y/n : do you like sweets?
Eun woo : I'm picky about food.
Y/n : what kind of desert you like?
Eun woo : I like chocolate desert. why asking?
Y/n : omo! i like chocolate desert too!!
Eun woo: (laughs) what's so exciting about it?
Y/n : umm(pout)
Eun woo : ah okay sorry!
Y/n : I was thinking of making something sweet for you! (you said in excitement)
Eun woo: what?
Y/n : Mm. chocolate desert!?
Eun woo : As you like.
Y/n : never talk to me. it's always me who starts the convo!
Eun woo : I'm sorry y/n..actually i don't have time these days. i have to work hard to be the CEO of company.
Y/n : hmm. i understand . (sad smile)
Eun woo : Thank you.
y/n : good night.
Eun woo : good night.
One week later.

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