hogwarts should get some clocks

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THERE must have been some sort of anesthesia or drug put into the food here, cause i had the best sleep i'd had in years.

it felt like i'd slept in but didn't feel crusty. i was well rested, for the first time in probably forever. it was like a smile was manufactured onto my face, content fixed into my soul. it was early too- probably around 7:30- but miraculously, i didn't feel the least bit tired.

i swung out of bed, relishing in the sunlight that streamed through the curtains covering the windows. i could hear birds chirping outside, the soft swaying of leaves in the wind. across from me, ivy was still asleep, looking ethereal as she innocently slept.

i stretched, yawning before putting on a soft fuzzy robe i didn't even remember packing. i picked out some clothes to wear, a fresh robe - which suddenly had a hufflepuff insignia on it- and my bathroom kit i'd prepared last night with the help of ivy before heading out to the bathrooms she'd led me to last night.

since it was pretty early, there were only a few students out currently, none of which paid much mind to me as i headed out in my robe and some slippers to the hufflepuff girls' lavatory. i stepped onto the white tile of the bathroom, making my way to the sinks so i could brush my teeth and wash my face.

after brushing my teeth and washing my face + putting on my morning skincare routine, i headed to the stalls, planning on changing there. 

i exited the bathroom fully changed and almost ready to start my day. i quickly headed back to the hufflepuff dorms, noticing a significantly larger amount of people outside now. the common room had more people in it now too, some people just sitting and talking and others waiting for friends to finish getting ready. i walked into ivy and i's dorm, seeing her now sitting up on the bed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

"good morning," i smiled at her as i made my way to my desk. i picked out a pair of socks on the way from my suitcase. "how'd you sleep?"

"very well, thank you." ivy had a sleepy smile on her face as she stretched. my heart panged with jealousy, and i was forced to look away from her natural beauty. "how long have you been awake y/n?"

"i've been up since around 7:30," i glanced at the clock installed on our wall. it read 8:00. "so i guess about thirty minutes now. do you know when breakfast starts?" i plopped down onto the desk chair, pulling out a desk mirror i'd apparently also packed. i pulled out my makeup kit as well. i wouldn't do anything extravagant, maybe just some mascara and eyeliner.

"it starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:30. we should go soon." ivy swung out of bed, hurrying to her closet where she'd already unpacked her clothes. i dabbed on a minimal amount of concealer to my face, blending it out seamlessly. "you can meet me outside of the bathroom, okay? we'll go to breakfast together."

"alright," i leaned in close to the mirror, an eyeliner pencil in hand. "hurry though." i smudged the small wing i had just made, leaning back to admire my work. ivy scurried out of the room as i began on my second wing.

after i completed my makeup, i collected my schedule and some books before heading out to the bathrooms once more. ivy hadn't come out when i got there, so i decided to just wait outside instead of going in. more people were outside now, making their way to the great hall. i tried to stay as close to the wall as i could and to not make eye contact with anyone.

"y/n l/n, is it?" the voice seemed to boom throughout the corridor, many people flinching at the sudden noise, including myself. i practically jumped, turning around to face the source of this noise. facing me was a platinum blonde boy i recognized as draco malfoy and a bunch of his goons standing behind him. not only were they super intimidating, but some were also very attractive.

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