Meeting The Boys

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   Slamming down his briefcase, Agent Blade's face scrunched into an angry scowl. "Agent, this isn't retirement, it's...reassignment." the man next to him assured him, but his comfort was ignored as the spy stood and marched away. "You'll love the Antarctic! Agent Blade! Don't be unreasonable!" The pink haired man felt a hand on his shoulder, pausing to face his superior. "Sir, with all due respect, I am a solo stealth agent. I work alone. I don't need a partner." His voice was hushed, many eyes inside the office staring at the pair, burning holes into them. "Agent Crow and Agent Crown are not partners, they will work under you, not with." The boss assured, gently leading Agent Blade towards the exit of the building, into a dark car. "I'm not happy with this and expect huge compensation." Blade folded his arms, his briefcase in his lap. "Oh course, only the best for our best." With a slam and screech, the car was off.

   As the loud whir of helicopter blades slowed, and powdery snow was thrust up, Blade stepped out of the helicopter, a pair of sunglasses shielding him from the bright light bouncing off the tundra. Just beyond the cloud of snow, two figures stood, awaiting the Agent. Despite the frigid temperature, all three agents wore suits, dress shoes and pant hems covered in frost, hair whipped back and forth by the freezing winds. When the helicopter left and the snow settled, it became clearer who waited for him. Agents Crow and Crown, rumored to be a father/son duo of talented intel agents. Unlike Blade's training in assassination, tracking, and intelligence gathering, these two men only had basic training, showing insane promise.

   On the left, Crow stood proud, a smile on his face despite the wind sending his blond hair in wild directions under a green and white bucket hat. On his right, his son, Crown, had dark black hair with white birthmark streaks, once tucked neatly behind his ears now swept up by strong southern gusts. Tinted, gold rimmed glasses obscured his face, a small smile on the boys lips.

   "Welcome to the Antarctic, Agent Blade." Crow offered his hand in greeting, receiving a stone faced stare from Blade. "Ah- I see the climate has found its match in frigidness. I'm Agent Crow, this is my partner." He chuckled, motioning Crown to introduce himself. "I'm Agent Crown. It's a pleasure to work with you, Agent Blade." The boy couldn't be older than 16, tall for his age but a tad squeaky when he spoke. His optimistic smile tugged at Blade's heart, caving in as he shook the kids hand. "Pleasures all mine." He said bluntly, quickly walking away from the two to approach the station they would be stuck at for the next few months as the cold settled in and forced them to lose touch with the outside world. A large warehouse of gear, an indoor training facility, underground storage and sleeping facilities, and a huge satellite, smack dab in the Antarctic.

   Pushing open the big steel vault door to enter the station, Blade heard the two trainees trail after him, the clack of the trio's shoes wandering through the large reinforced hallways almost deafening with each echo. Metal floors and walls, buzzing overhead lights, the occasional door labelled "Power Maintenance" and "Communications" on either side. Eventually, they found themselves up a flight of stairs, a main control room with windows on all sides. It overlooked the surrounding flatlands, its many panels of buttons and screens showing things like weather, time, any detectable life, and airspace information.

   Moving to one of the screens, Blade pressed a large button. Sudden loud static was heard over the speakers in the room. "I've arrived." Blade said, glancing back to Crow and Crown, the pair curiously poking around at the different screens, careful to not touch anything. "Good, make yourselves at home. And don't be rude." The boss's voice was occasionally broken up by static, almost impossible to hear. Rolling his eyes, Blade ended the communication and turned to face the two men, who were still 'oohing' and 'aahing' at the technology that surrounded them. Clearing his throat, Blade removed his sunglasses and placed them in his coat pocket. At the sound, Crow and Crown snapped to attention, turning to face their superior. "The bunks are on the bottom floor, however, meet me in the training room, in your training attire." Blade said gruffly, watching the trainees scamper off. Standing alone in the room, he looked out over the snow, sighing. How the hell did he, the company's greatest agent, somehow manage to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with two random newbies? Shaking his head, he slowly made his way towards the training grounds.

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