1. Realization

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Izuku wakes up by his alarm clock. Izuku slowly tilted to his side to look at the time. It was 6 am. Izuku thought for himself 6 am? Why so early. Izuku wants to go to back to sleep as he thought about it. Izuku has school today. 

But he don't wanna go to school. At school he just gets bullied a lot. So the thought of going to school is tiring. But he still got up from his bed. 

He walks to the living room then he walks to the kitchen where Inko is. Inko, wich is his loving mother has prepared breakfast for him. She has prepared some pancakes for him.

 "Good morning Izuku! Take a seat. I prepared some breakfast for you!" Inko announce. "Good morning mom!" Izuku says while he smiles. 

Then he takes a seat by the table. Inko sits in front of him and starts to eat her breakfast. Izuku just sit there and look at his food. Inko couldn't help but notice that Izuku wasn't eating anything. "Is there something bothering you Izuku?" Inko asks with a concerned look on her face. 

"Ahh, sorry mom! I just zoned out." Izuku replies. He wasn't telling the truth but still was. He zoned out because he was thinking that he don't deserve to eat food. That he's to fat and needs to lose weight. "Oh, okay Izuku." Inko replies.

 It was quiet for minute. Izuku began to eat some small bites of his food since he didn't wanna worry his mom. "Izuku, dear." Inko says. Izuku notice that Inko looks serious "Yeah mom?" Izuku replies while he feels kind of nervous. "I've been noticing you come home with scars sometimes. Is someone being mean to you?" Inko asks Izuku. He looks at her. "No, mom. I just trip.. a lot!" Izuku lies as he feels nervous if Inko will believe him or not. 

Inko could feel suspicion build inside her but she didn't wanna think that her son was lying. "Okay, whatever you say Izuku. But I need to go to work now. Can you lock the doors when you leave for school?" Inko asks. "Of course I can mom!" Izuku says with a smile on his face while Inko gets up to go to work.

After Inko leaves Izuku stops eating his food. He puts it in a small box then put it in the refrigerator, since he didn't wanna waste food. 

Then he goes and changes into his school uniform. A black uniform. With yellow/golden buttons. The uniform isn't that comfy at all but he deals with it. Just like how he deals with his bullies. The uniform is tight and a bit itchy, and the memories Izuku has with the uniform makes him even more uncomfortable. 

He remembers when Bakugo pour water and milk on him. Inko was so confused on why there was milk on the uniform. Izuku just said he tripped. It left Inko in concern and suspicion.

When he finished changing he decides starts to walk to school. He walks to the front door. He puts on his red boots and his yellow backpack. Then he walks out and locks the door. He goes down the apartment building stairs. 

The building brings him comfort and peace, since he used to have so much fun here. Other than him there was some people there. While he was walking down the stairs he couldn't help but to think for himself. "Why do they hate quirkless people so much anyway?" "They" are Izukus bullies. Since he's quirkless. Izuku continued thinking about similar things. 

When he walks past an old playground he remembers a memory he had there. He was playing in the playground with Bakugo. They were playing as hero's. Bakugo was the hero and Izuku was his helping side kick. After awhile Izuku finally arrives at school. The school is named Aldera junior high. The name bring Izuku sadness since he gets bullied a lot in school. 

Izuku walks into the school. He spots his bullies. This made him scared so he hid his face and tried to be as small as possible as he walked past them. He was afraid they'd see him and bully him. Izuku walked past all the lockers and got away from the bullies. Izuku felt relieved and happy that he was able to walk past them. But those feelings didn't last long.

"Oi, nerd!" Someone said in a harsh and mean voice. The person was in front of Izuku. He look up and see Bakugo. This made Izuku scared and worried for what Bakugo would do to him. He got so lost in his thoughts he forgot to answer Bakugo. 

"Answer me Deku!" Bakugo said again. Deku was a nickname Bakugo had given him. The nickname is supposed to mean "useless". 

Izuku snap back to reality as he herd Bakugos angry voice. "Sorry Kacchan..." Izuku says quietly in an almost sad voice. Bakugo just kicked Izukus legs and walked away. Maybe Izuku was lucky that Bakugo wasn't too mean and only kicked his legs a little this time? Izuku walk to class...

                                                                                              _ _

During lunch, Izuku sits on the school roof top. He don't eat anything since he is feeling fat and ugly. He just watch the trees leaves blow in the wind. While he sits there he couldn't stop hating himself for being so ugly and useless. He started to think that he don't deserve to live.

  "I'm a waste of space." "I'm not worth more than air." is what Izuku is thinking. He looks down the roof top. "What if I jump..? Maybe people would care.?" He thought for himself. 

He didn't notice Bakugo walking up to Izuku even. Bakugo goes and stands behind Izuku. He turns around and looks at Bakugo with fear. "What's this useless Deku doing here all alone, huh?" Bakugo says in a mockingly tone then he begins to laugh. 

Izuku look at Bakugo but before he says anything he start to speak again "You're sitting alone since you have no friends!" Bakugo states then he laughs even more than he used to do. Izuku looked down. Maybe he don't have any friends but he still had himself and his mom. 

It was silent for some time. "Gosh you're so useless Deku." Bakugo said before he walked away. Izuku couldn't do anything he just looked down from the rooftop.

 Izuku could just jump right there and no one would care. Izuku felt determined to do it. But he didn't. He just walked to the next class instead.

                                                                                             _ _ 

After school Izuku begin to walk home. He was just walking thinking that he should kill himself and feel useless and sad. He don't even realize he walked into an alleyway. When he realized he looked up. It was dark in the alleyway. 

He was scared while he was in the alleyway. What could be lurking in the alleyway or who? What if Izuku gets hurt? But he wouldn't mind if he got hurt. He just hated himself that much. He wouldn't care if he died. He would only care for Inko. About what she felt. 

Izuku wander the alleyway trying to find his way out, but he finds it hard. He comes across a place that smells really bad. It smells almost like dead bodies. Izuku walk around a corner.

 At the end of the alleyway he sees a person. He couldn't see what they were doing that well. Then he sees the person stab someone. Izuku watched the person stab a girl from Izukus school 3 times from the back. A sneak attack. 

Izuku wanted to scream and cry, but deep inside he was happy he felt home. Izuku was enjoying the scene but he still hid around the corner. After some seconds he could feel a smile appear on his face. He just saw someone murder someone and he was smiling?! Izuku realizes he is smiling and quickly stop smiling. 

He was concerned about himself. He starts to think about why he was smiling. He was scared and concerned for himself. What if being a hero wasn't his future after all? Maybe he wants to become a villain. 

The thought of it felt really good. Izuku wants to kill people too. He realize his true feelings and future. Now he was gonna achieve his dreams not matter what.


Young villain (Middle school v. Deku)Where stories live. Discover now