Pre-debut Iris Part 3

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"Hey, Iris" Someone called startling her a bit. She turned around to see a familiar freckled boy running towards her. It's been about a week since she joined and it's been funny. She was surprised by all the rumors going around that she paid JYP to put her in a male group, She's just a slut or the weirdest one she slept with one of the members so she could join them. Jiwoo laughed when she heard them, she couldn't even feel bitter about it, it was probably a serious issue but Jiwoo couldn't take anything seriously to save her life.

She and Felix had gotten close quite quickly over a week. Jiwoo is the loud crazy flirty type, and a cute listener, with the ability to handle her. Jiwoo had a habit of talking fast and so Felix couldn't all she was saying and she could tell.

"You want me to speak slower?" Felix nodded and Jiwoo repeated what she said but slower "I'm not so fluent in Korean." Felix reminded.

"We can speak English if you want" That was the first time he had heard her say a full English sentence although knowing she was part Australian. Their accents were the same but Felix felt it sounded better with her voice. At some point, he stopped talking and listened attentively to her.


It's been a week since Minho was eliminated and was everyone except Jiwoo who was relieved, her and Minho were still on bad terms. And before they knew it, it was time for their second performance in front of JYP.

"Okay we lost one member we can't lose another"

After the performance, they all lined up again in front of JYP, fear creeping into each of their hearts silently begging for no one else to be eliminated.

"That was great you guys" He congratulated but they all knew what was coming "Felix" Jiwoo froze, it was as if all he was saying was being blocked out by her heart beat. She couldn't lose him, she wasn't going to. She became anxious squeezing his hand tighter trying to comfort him and herself at the same time. She tried to hold them back but a few tears escaped.

"Your Korean isn't good enough to deliver the rap properly" He paused "So I'm sorry but you won't be debuting with them-"

Jiwoo mumbled a "This bastard" but a bit louder than expected causing attention to shift from Felix to Jiwoo. She raised a hand slowly letting the anger get to her. JYP gave her a confused look and urged her to continue.

"Why exactly are you eliminating him?" She asked giving him a neutral glare, eyes a bit widened. "I just said so, His Korean isn't good enough"

"Yeah, I get where your coming from but don't you this that's kind of a stupid reason" She said trying to sound and polite as possible. The guys felt the tension between the two and were also shocked, they waited to see what would happen.

"You better watch your tone young girl, you don't understand what you're saying-"

"Now calm down, all I'm saying is that it's not that good of a reason so maybe you could think it through." She said in one breath not dropping the professional tone. Felix squeezed her hand again giving her a 'What are you doing look'

"You can't just eliminate him because he can't speak Korean well, it's like saying that you can't be our manager because you're balding" She mumbled the last part but they heard her

"You're on thin ice Jiwoo, remember than you've not been fully forgiven for the incident and-"

" Sir, could you please stop trying to threatening me with that" She shot back a bit of nastiness. "You know what if he's going then I am too" Felix shook her hand and gave her pleading look. JYP took a few minutes in thought and gave his final answer.

"So straykids will now be deduting as 6 member group"


"So straykids will now be debuting as 6 member group"

He said then walked out of the room "say your last good byes" and slammed the door. Every one turned to Jiwoo with confused, sad yet angry expressions but she randomly started dancing.

"What are you doing?" Changbin said "I promised myself that I would never cry over useless thing" She said sounding happy

"Why would you do that?" Chan asked teary eyed. "We can't loose both of you" Hyunjin mumbled and went to the side to lean on a wall trying not to cry.

"Why would you do that?" Felix asked again looking at Jiwoo who was still dancing. She couldn't answer him.

"What are we going to do?" Seungmin finally spoke earning a glance from everyone.

"Let me tell what you're going to do" She said looking directly into their eyes. "You are going to debut as a 6 member group, you are gonna rule the industry, you are going to be the best rappers, vocalists, and dancers this industry have ever seen and if you dare feel discouraged or doubt yourself, I'll come wherever you are and end you myself, okay" She said passive aggressively hold a fist close to Chan's face while everyone giggled sadly. They shared their last goodbye hugs before the two left.


Felix pov

"I-I'm sorry" I muttered when Jiwoo handed me a bottle of water to calm me down. She sat next to me, head tilted upward finding some interest in the sky. "For what?"

"For getting eliminated, I mean If I had practiced my Korean more this never would have happened and-"

"Can you calm down Felix?!" She groaned looking at me in my eyes pissed off "Like can you stop blaming yourself for a good second and just breath" I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"It's only 10 years I've spent here" My head shot up in shock guilt creeping in again. "Iris, you've been here for 10 years!" I pouted when she started laughing, she tricked me.

"Chill Freckles, I've been a trainee for about a year or so" Freckles I thought, I liked the nickname. I wanted to start off some conversation with her. "Do you normally lash out like that for cute freckled guys" I bit my lip in embarrassment feeling heat rise in my cheek.

"Nah, so don't think your special" She said in a teasing tone trying not to giggle as pouted "only when I'm forced"

"I took you as the chill type"

"Everyone has their limits, piece of advice don't ever cross mine." We sat in comfortable silence but I also wanted to hear Jiwoo' s voice there's something about the way she speaks, the gestures she used, the way her voice flowed through her mouth effortlessly. It was so memorizing like I could listen to her speak forever.

"So what's the plan for you?" She asked glancing at me again. "Like are you going to join another entertainment or..."

"I think I'll go back to Australia" I sighed getting teary eyed again. I was so exited about this idol thing but my dreams were cut short.

"I think I'll join another entertainment company" She said "I think you should to, you're talented, I'm sure you're gonna get in" I don't know what spell she put on me or she just had a way words but I felt empowered as if everything she was saying was going to happen. She got back up and looked at me

"Maybe we can talk sometime" She said before she left. I sat there not really knowing what to do.

 I sat there not really knowing what to do

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A wild Foggy Faeri.

~Blaze ☢

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