The spirit of the forest

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Y/n person P.O.V

I've been running for 3 days since my first mission. My Kasugai owl told me to go west to a forest known as the forest of black dreams. Apparently, there's a soul called "Spirit of the Forest" but the corp's not buying it so why should I? Eventually, I came across a small village that seemed to have a population of only 100 people IF that, past the village, was a very menacing forest. 

Y/n's mind: For people who live so close to a demon who probably feeds on their town, they sure seem happy and relaxed...what's going on here? A spell maybe?

as I stood there, confused a woman who seemed to be in her forties tapped my shoulder. 

Woman: Excuse me, sir?

Y/n: Oh? what can I do for you, ma'am

Woman: It's just that you seem to be new around town, What brings you here of all places?

Y/n: Well, I heard from a friend about something called "The Spirit of the Forest" and wanted to see it for myself. I love a good ghost tale and thought I might be able to see it for myself

I was expecting a multitude of reactions from the woman. Disgust, anger, fear, maybe even shock. A smile wasn't anywhere on that list

Woman: Oh you wish to know about the spirit of the forest ah! he's such a kind little boy. he's a young boy who watches over the forest during the day and leads lost wanderers back home, and during the night he goes to his cave to rest. without him, the forest becomes cursed, and anybody who enters during the night can never make it out. 

Y/n's mind: a demon who does all that out of the kindness of his heart? flashy fat chance!

Y/n: Ya don't say...I thank you for the info, I shall be on my way now. Take care of yourself tonight.

Woman: You too young man!

We both went our separate ways as I headed into the forest, hoping to slay this demon and lift the hypnosis these people were under. As I entered I immediately gained a sense of familiarity. It felt like final selection all over again! Didn't help that I felt like I was being watched by something or...someone. After a bit more walking all of a sudden a 5-foot-tall spike popped up right beside my leg, though I managed to step out of the way

Y/n: Is that...bone?!

but I didn't have time to take a closer look as even more bone spikes started to sprout from the ground, gaining in height and thickness, so I had to act fast and get to higher ground. After a minute of side-stepping, sliding, and dodging I managed to get to a tree branch and out of the spikes range

Y/n: phew! That was close!

But I had no time to rest as in the distance I heard faint clapping slowly getting louder

???: Impressive, very impressive. As expected of a demon slayer.

Y/n's mind: I knew it! This guy is no kind spirit! What trick did he pull to fool the villagers?! and how can I get it to stop? Maybe flashily beheading him would do the trick

As he came into the moonlight I managed to get a good look at him. He was a 7-foot-tall Demon with Disgusting green skin and four arms. his hair was short and slicked back and seemed to be dyed white. But his most distinctive feature was the giant red eye on his four head

 But his most distinctive feature was the giant red eye on his four head

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Light 'em up (male reader x demon slayer)Where stories live. Discover now