Chapter 3

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"Oh shit. Oh shit shit shit. I can't do this, Zayn. I just can't!" Harry whines, biting his lip so hard that he ends up tasting blood. He stops biting his lips (because ew, he's not a vampire) and moves onto his nails. His free of polish nails, much to Zayn's ridiculous disappointment. ("But you have the perfect hands Harry, imagine them with polish!" "Imagine your face with my fist!")

"Course you can, babe," Zayn assures him, smile big and beautiful as always. He smells a bit like weed already, which doesn't make any sense because he's been with Harry since school ended and not once has Harry seen him have a smoke, but, whatever.

Harry and Zayn are standing outside of the house (more like a mansion, really) where the party is supposed to be and Harry knows they're at the right place because there's already too many red solo cups littering the fancy green lawn, and even a few bright colored bras scattered around here and there. Harry thinks he can see a lace thong from where he's at, too. Which is just disgusting and unsanitary, Harry thinks.

Zayn goes to take a step forward, to actually open the door and get to partying, but Harry stops him. He's not ready yet (although he doubts he ever will be, to be honest).

"What if we see Louis? Oh shit Zayn, he hates me!"

"Christ, calm down Haz! I'm sure Louis is a good lad... Now, let's go!" Zayn says, grabbing Harry's hand forcefully and pulling him through the front door.

"How would you know that?" Harry asks, taking a moment to pause and have a look around the place.

It's dark inside, with colored strobe lights passing over all the teens. He can smell an intense mixture of sweat, perfume, weed, and sex. Maybe even some vomit.


"I know because... I know a mate of his," Zayn mutters, glancing around and grinning when he locates some ginger-headed lad who looks right stoned out of his mind. "Let's go say hi to Ed!"

"I'd rather not, let's just-" Harry is interrupted by Zayn once again grabbing his hand and tugging him towards the other lad. "Screw you," he adds, because he feels like Zayn should know that he's a twat.

"You wish, babes. Hey, Ed, howsit goin? Got any bud?" Zayn and Ed do this weird little handshake thing and then hug, and Harry ends up getting pulled into it. He feels like he'll be doing a lot of things unwillingly tonight.

Ed backs off after a moment and grins, slow and lazy. And okay, yeah, he doesn't seem like too bad of a fellow. Harry likes him well enough, thinks they'll get along pretty good if he plans on sticking around.

"Course I do, shit, you of all people should know that!" Ed laughs, loudly, digging into his back pocket and presenting them with a small red lighter, a little plastic baggy three quarters full of cannabis, and some brown papers to roll the spliffs with.

"Thanks mate, you're a beautiful little ginger. How much do I owe ya?" Zayn asks, his own hand going to his back pocket where Harry knows he keeps some spare money for whenever an opportunity like this arrises.

"Eh, free of charge for tonight. Don't think this is a regular thing though!" Ed grins, handing over everything to Zayn. "Just bring me back that lighter when you're done!"

"Great, thanks mate, we've gotta hang soon, yeah?"

"For sure dude, for sure. Now, I've heard that Liam is gonna show up, along with Niall and Louis... You might wanna start smoking now."

Harry is confused. He knows that Louis is more than likely going to be here tonight (he might have brought his camera) and where there's Louis there's his mates Niall and Liam, but he doesn't know why that would be of interest Zayn.

Obsessions: Larry AU / On Hold /Where stories live. Discover now