Over The Hill

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Over the hill, and past the marsh, lives a quiet family of four.

A hardworking dad, a devoted mother, and two kids who do their chores.

They live on their farm, far, far from harm where there's no locks on any doors;

They live on their farm, far, far from harm. What would they need them for?

Over the hill, and past the farm, there's a bandit who tricks and thieves;

He stumbles and trips over tree roots but he never steps on any leaves;

He's quiet as a cat behind a mouse's back ready to sink in his bloody teeth;

And just up ahead, there's a farm with oh so many treats for this silent thief.

Over the hill, and past the bandit, there's a group of hungry cannibals;

But you wouldn't know if you looked at them, because they dress like professionals;

And with their lies and sweet smiles, they'll ensure that you trust them all;

And just up ahead, there's a farm with four savory snacks for everyone.

Over the hill, and past the cannibals, there's a mad serial killer;

The insanity in her eyes is just enough to make you shiver;

She stalks her victims for days, then comes around when skies are dimmer;

She'll make her move while you're asleep. Snooze you lose, and she's the winner.

But on top of the hill, in front of this farm, stands a shadow that's growing bored.

Watching and waiting for the father, mother, and son to come back from the grocery store.

A blade in one hand and a firearm in the other, I wait for this family of four;

I think I might go visit the daughter. After all, they never lock the doors.

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