Chapter 1

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We start this story off with a boy sleeping peacefully on his bed. That's until some little girl bust into his room and started to jump on his bed.

"Y/N!! Wake up!! It's the morning!" shouted the girl. The boy now named Y/N rubbed his eyes and yawn loudly.

"Why do you have to wake me up, Jane? I can wake up myself." Y/N said as he gets off the bed.

"Because I want to make sure you aren't dead," Jane said with a smile.

Y/N walks out of his room and sees his mom in the kitchen.

"Y/N! Can you go get some food for us? Take Jane with you. I know you'll be able to protect her" Said Mom

Y/N nods his head as he takes the basket as Jane follows along.

"Are we going on an adventure?" asked Jane

"Yeah. I guess you can say that."

"Hey, Y/N! Where you off to?" asked a boy from the distance.

"Oh, Matthew! We're getting some good for our mom, you can come along if you want," said Y/N

"I'm going to do the same thing so I might as join you," said Matthew with a smile

Y/N, Matthew, and Jane walk and continue on their journey. They later take the shortcut to the store with was through the woods. Around the village, these woods are known to have monsters and magic creatures lurking around the woods. But Y/N and Matthew didn't give a shit. They weren't scared of anything.

"Ummm Y/N, aren't there monsters around here?" asked Jane as she hides behind Y/N's leg.

"Don't worry about that, It's just a bunch of bullshit people say to scare someone," Matthew said to Jane with a smile. Y/N punches Matthew.

"What the hell man?!"

"How many times do I gotta tell you not to curse in front of her? Do you know how many times she cursed in front of my mom?"

"Okay? Why are you blaming me?"

"Because your the only one that curses in front of her!"


Matthew was interrupted by a scream in the woods.

'Shit' Thought Y/N and Matthew

Later a large creature jumps out of the bush and attacks the three. Y/N jumps toward the creature and punches it as Matthew sends a dark matter attack toward the monster as it kills it.

"Are you okay Jane?" Y/N asked Jane. Jane nods her head as more monsters start to appear.

"Shit! They were right! There are monsters here!" shouted Matthew

"That's cool! We can still take them down!" Shouted Y/N with a smile on his face. He zooms toward the crowd of monsters and aims for their abdomen to rip through it.

"You know, your brother is crazy," said Matthew to Jane as he activated his magic and joins in the fight.


Y/N and Jane's mother wait outside their home and wait for the two.

"What's taking them so long? Don't tell me they went through the woods and encountered those monsters there..." said Mom as she began to think about the worse that could transpire. Later she hears someone shout out for her. She sees Jane running out of the woods and running up to her for a hug.

"Oh, Jane! Thank goodness you are okay! Where is your brother?"

"Right here Mom!" shouted Y/N. Y/N and Matthew walked out the doors with scratches, bruises, and blood on the two.

"What on earth happened to you two?!" asked Mom

"They beat up and killed some monsters in the woods Mommy!" said Jane. Y/N and Matthew nervously smile and the mom. Mom sighs and smiles at the two.

"I guess it's acceptable since you guys are aiming to become Magic Knights. Thank you for protecting Jane you two and yourselves," said Mom

No problem Mrs. L/N/ No problem Mom: Said Y/ N and Matthew

"Anyways, I better get going. My mom is waiting for me too. Also don't forget about tomorrow Y/N. Said Matthew as he walks away.

Jane and Mom say bye to Matthew as Y/N realizes what happens tomorrow.

"Oh yeah, the grimoire ceremony!"

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