Chapter 6

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"Thanks Y/N and Y/N's friends!" said Asta with a smile

"No problem, you guys should report this to your captain." said Naomi as she looked around the battle scene.

"Are you sure your okay Naomi?" asked Y/N

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. You ain't gotta worry about me." Naomi said as she smiles. "Anyways, we need to get back, the captain me to be waiting for us." Naomi continued as she puts her arms around the two boys.

"Alright Asta. See you later." said Y/N as they walk away.


Y/N was chilling in his dorm room. That's until someone knocks on his door.

"It's open!" Shouted Y/N. A random man opens the door

"The captain is calling you."

Y/N gets out of bed, puts his clothes on and walk to Fuegoleon's office.


"Called for me Captain?" Asked Y/N

"Yes I did. I have a mission for you. A common realm called Narin have had reports of bandits going around the and commiting crimes. I want you to go there and take down those bandits. " Said Fueologen.

"Yessir!" Said Y/N as he walked out the base and went to Narin.


Y/N finally made it to Narin and was walking around the realm.

"Hmmm.... This place is pretty decent." Said Y/N to himself

Later a loud noise was made a man ran out the stores.

One of the was running on top of the buildings so he decided to take him down first

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Asked Y/N

"What does it look like we are doing. We're robbing stores. Now get out of our way or you die!" Shouted the bandit as he sent a fire attack his way.

Y/N sent a dark Magic counter to block the attack.

Lucky this stops the first bandit. Y/N ties his up and goes after the other one which was fairly easy. But little did Y/N know a mist started to surround the town.

"Mist, again?! Don't tell me it's the same people from before."

Before he knew it, a man held him in a chokehold with a knife to his neck.

"Move and I'll kill you." said the bandit. Y/N then used a purple beam to get him out of the choke hold. Y/N looks around and looks for the bandit. Y/N began to feel mana coming from behind him. He turns around and meets a bandit preparing an attack on him. Y/N bolts toward the bandit and punches him toward a wall of a store.

Someone then grabs his neck and holds a knife to his neck. Again.

"Who are you? I won't hesitate to kill you!" said a girl.

"Whoa calm down. I'm a magic knight! You don't have to kill me!" shouted Y/N

She then let's go off Y/N and drops takes off her mask.

"Oh my bad. They finally send a magic knight to here. That's great." said the girl as she turns around.

"Hey wait. Where are you going?" asked Y/N

"I'm going to take care of the bandits by myself. You should probably leave since some magic knights didn't make it out successfully." said the girl

"Well, I'm not some magic knight. I'm a magic knight that will get the job done." said Y/N.

He then detects mana infront of the girl. Y/N jumps ahead and sent a beam attack towards the bandit.

"How many damn bandits are in this town?" asked Y/N

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure that there is few left." said the girl.

Y/N then punches the mist as the most disappears and makes the version clear.

"Alright, this should be good enough. Let's take down those bandits!" shouted Y/N as a bunch of bandits jumped out and attacked the two.

Y/N bolts toward the group and single handy gives them an ass whopping. Y/N uses his time magic to stop some bandits as he punches them to the ground. Later he jumps up and slams some bandits next to the other bandits and to finish them off, he sends a Dragon Roar which knocked them out.

The girl stands there in amazement.


"See... I told you I could get the job done." said Y/N as he smiles at the girl. "Now that I mention it, that's a lot of bandits. How were magic knights in the past weren't able to stop them?" asked Y/N

"I don't know, I guess it was overwhelming for them. Anyways, there's more where they come from. I found what we can call their hind out." said the girl


"This is it right here!" Said the fuel

"A Cavern? Why would a group of bandits stay here?" Asked Y/N

"Maybe to keep a low profile." Said the girl as she shurgs her shoulders.

"Well it's not a low profile anymore since you find their hideout." Said Y/N

"True. Anyways, lets go take care of this." said the girl as they walk in.

As they were walking a large monster comes out of no where and attack the crew. Y/N jumps up and punches the monster to the wall. This luckily knocks the monster out. Later the ground began to shake.

"What's going on?!" Asked Y/N

As soon as Y/N finished his sentence the ground crumbled as the two were split apart.

"Ugh. What happen?" Asked Y/N

"Right here." Said a man standing there.

"If you want to leave and find you friends. You're going have to beat me before you leave."

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