Episode 3: Wanna Play A Game?

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I was walking with Noah and Emma towards school.

Noah: How it go?

"Exactly, like I expected to go..."


3rd POV:

Billy: Hello, Y/N.

Y/N and Billy both stare at each other.

Y/N: Grandpa, I need your help.

Billy: Why else would you visit

Y/N: Do you blame us? You murdered my grandma.

Billy: Okay if you're going to bring that up, we are done.

Y/N: I won't bring it up.

Grandpa: What you need help with?

Y/N: A serial killer might be after me and considering you were a-

Billy: A serial killer?

Y/N: Yeah. I thought you could teach me a thing or two.

Billy: Trust no one. Not even your closes friends.

Y/N: Why?

Billy: Because it's always the closes people next to you that are the culprit. Betrayal shatters the trust you had in others and leaves you feeling like you're all on your own. When a person close to you violates your trust, it calls everything into question and provides no easy answers. You can recover from a lot of wrongs, but betrayal is hard to process. But although you may not avoid feeling the sting of betrayal, you can heal from it. Take it from me. I had a partner and that was Stu Macher. Me and him worked together to cover our traces and kill your grandma's friends. Eventually we just needed her and her dad. Me and him begin to stab each other to make ourselves look like the victims of our scapegoat and since I watched many horror movies I knew how to lie and get away with it.

Y/N: Wait, time out. What happened to Stu?

Billy: I accidentally stabbed Stu too deep and he begin to bleed profusely, complaining of "feeling a little woozy". While all that was happening, your grandmother escaped. Eventually I found her in the closet and she stabbed me with an umbrella but luckily it hit me in the shoulder. She thought I was dead so she went on and smashed a TV into Stu's face and afterwards I killed her. If you want to learn more. There's a tape your father kept that will teach you how to survive this.

Y/N: Goodbye, Grandpa.

Y/N got up and walked out of the police station.

Present Day...

Emma: Wow.

Y/N: Yeah... Come on.


Emma went into the girl's bathroom as I was getting some stuff from my locker and although I did not wanna admit it. My grandpa is right. Anyone is a suspect. It could be Noah, Brooke, or even one of my family members, we just don't know who it is unless they slip up and reveal themselves. Eventually the bell rang and I went to class. I sat down as Mr. Branson closed a cabinet.

Mr. Branson: See, Aristotle asked, "Why are we here? What is the meaning of life in the face of death?"

Jake: Bet Tyler's wondering the same thing right now.

Mr. Branson: Thank you, Jake. See, Aristotle also understood that volatile relationships, well, they can lead to tragedy.

Mr. Branson continued to look for something.

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