Episode 6: Betrayed

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After we found the footage Brooke's father told me I had to go home and so I did. I went to sleep and I went to school the next day and I sat with Brooke trying to do our project.

Brooke: I can't focus on The Goodbye Girl when my dad is doing Gone Girl.

"It's probably just a misunderstanding. But if you really wanna find out then let go check it out at lunch."

Brooke: You'd really go with me?

"What are friends for?"

Me and Brooke smiled as we continued to work on our project when the door open. We looked and saw two policemen and a women come in.

Officer 1: Mr. Brandson?

Mr. Brandson: Can I help you?

Officer 1: Yessir, you can. We have a few questions for one of your students. Audrey Jensen? We're gonna need you to come with us.

Audrey got up and walked away with the two police officers. Me and Noah looked at each other and I messaged both him and Emma to meet me in the auditorium after class. The bell rang and I see Noah and Emma come in.

"You two know why I gathered you both here."

Noah: What the hell could the cops want with Audrey?

Emma: I don't know. Maybe they just wanted to ask her some questions about Rachel.

Noah: That's a phone call. That's not a perp walk out of class. Mr. Brandson.

"What about him?"

Noah: We found out the webcam malware came from his homework server. And he's using a fake name.

Emma: Wait. Mr. Brandson brings his soup to school in a Thermos.

Noah: Villains have to eat, too. Kingpin eats. The Joker eats. Bane probably doesn't eat because of his mask, but there's probably some sort of, like, nutrient...

"Martin Manhunter... Oh, wait he's not a villain."

Emma: Hey, Noah, Y/N, can we focus for one second?

"Sorry. Continue."

Noah: Well, Mr. B may have seen us on his laptop. If he thought we could expose him, maybe he found a way to implicate Audrey as payback-

The door opens and we see Mr. Brandson.

"Mr. Brandson. Hello."

Noah: Emma, Y/N, and I were just... all talking scenes.

Mr. Brandson: Well, that's actually what I wanted to discuss. And considering you and Y/N are propensity for speeches, I'm thinking monologue.

"Like a villain?"

Mr. Brandson: Somewhat.

"I think Noah might be a little shy."

Mr. Brandson grabs Noah and led him away from us.

Mr. Brandson: Let me show some options.

Noah: Oh. Uh, sure, okay.

Emma: Bye.

They leave and I look Emma.

"If we find Noah dead. We know who it is."

Me and Emma exited and I was at my locker putting stuff away when I see Noah.

"What happened?"

Noah: Henry The Fifth or Napolean Dynamite. I gotta admit, Mr. Brandson so gets my deep-seated hero conflict.

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