Dinner: Chapter Two

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;;;;Trey POV;;;;

Me and my dad arrived at this huge ass house and told me to get out the car. "Who's house is this? Bigfoot?"

My dad chuckled,"No this is my fiance's house. Don't touch or take any shit okay? " "Okay."

I gragged my feet to the door and rang the doorbell. Love Me Harder played as the doorbell.

A nice looking lady answered the door, grinned from ear to ear and said,"Welcome! Sorry its a little small in here. Make yourself at home!"

I mumbled,"This ain't no small ass house this house us hella big for two people." My dad kinda heard me then asked me to talk to him. He said, "Say some stupid shit again and I'll cut your dick off and hand it to you okay dumb ass bitch."

I nodded my head very fast and walked in the big ass house to find the nice lady cussin' out someone upstairs.


I met the girl upstairs and she is sexy as fuck!! She came downstairs wearing a blue crop top, white vest, apple bottom jeans and black and white Jordans. She looked sexy, beautiful... mad.

She introduced herself to my dad then we all sat down at a table in the dining room and had sea food.

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