3. The apartment quest

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"Yes yes I will take care Grandpa... Don't worry. And don't forget to take medicines. Ok?" Taehyung says on the phone as he walks back and forth in his hotel room touching random objects as he talks, a habit he doesn't know how he acquired...

"Yeah I am still searching for the apartment. I even asked Jin hyung for help. Let's see whether I will get it before classes or not. "

He just hopes he gets an apartment as soon as possible and leave this hotel because it's been quite a long time since he's been staying here and now each and every staff remembers his face, name and even his favorite dishes that he orders...which for him is quite awkward...

Also he wants to experience how it's like to live on your own or maybe a roommate? He doesn't know. He just wants to live a life like a normal university going student now.

"Ok ok I'll talk to you later Grandpa. Take care. Byeee... "

The call cuts. He looks over to the digital watch and sees it's 11:14 pm.

Today is friday. That means I have only two days left before my classes start.

He decides to shop for all the stationary he requires tomorrow and then look for the apartment.

The silence engulfs him once again... And his mind wanders back to the conversation he had with Jin today...

Even after what happened.... Will you... Um... Talk to him??

Why wouldn't I want to Jin... He is the only person my eyes search for even if I know I might never see him again... But I know it's better for him to just stay away from me because I brought nothing but sadness to him...
But on the other hand I just want to run into his arms and be there for the rest of my life... He was so good to me... So right...

Tears fall down his eyes as he lays down on the bed. He cries silently as he remembers him. He didn't know when sleep engulfed him and his dreams were filled about just one person...


"So did you find any apartment??" Namjoon asks as he takes a bite from his hot ramen.

"No... I am still searching! Oh god! Why is it so hard to find a God damn apartment near the university! This wouldn't have happened if that landlady did not increase the rent!" Jeongguk exaggerates.

"Yeah but now also you will have to find a shared apartment because as long as I know the rents have increased everywhere. Till then you can freely stay at mine so calm down my cute Gukkie" Namjoon coos at Jeongguk. He knows Jeongguk has been searching for an apartment since a month but it's so hard to find one with a nominal rent and if in case a good roommate.

That's why Jeongguk is so frustrated. So he tries to lighten the atmosphere by calling him cute whereas in reality he was looking no where near cute in his black leather jacket and black jeans.

But he sees Jeongguk's expression turning somehow sad as if he remembered something.

"Don't... Call me that... " He whispers as it reminds him of someone who called him with that name...

"And I have no problem in sharing my apartment with anyone but at least the roommate must be good... "
He says again as he eats his ramen. He remembers how difficult it is to get a decent roommate who is actually ready to split the rent into half and also doesn't want to get into his pants...

"Hmm... By the way, how's uni life going on?? " Namjoon asks paying all his attention to his tasty ramen once again...

"It's going good... I have to submit my project work after the break... Also I have a basketball match next month. Yoongi hyung is all hyped up about that you know.... And Hoseokie hyu- Are you even listening?"

"Hmm? Yes yes I am. It's just this ramen is so tasty... "

"Hyung you ate ramen yesterday as well..."

".....Yeah... But this is a treat from you so it's even more tasty! My cute dongsaeng" Namjoon says as he finishes his ramen.

Here he goes again. Jeongguk chuckles as he too finishes his Ramen and takes out his wallet and heads towards the counter of the convenience store to pay for their Ramen.

As he takes out the money his eyes travel towards an old photo, kept in the kind of hidden pocket (if that's even a thing) of his wallet.

Where are you?
He thinks before proceeding to pay for the ramen.


Whose picture do you think was in Jeongguk's wallet?
Also this story might be a slow burn:)
But it will be filled with good Taekook moments...
Do vote and comment if you liked the chapter💜


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