32. The Story of Downfall

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"The patient is awake now... "

The nurse says coming out. Jin and Jimin immediately make their way inside and see Taehyung half sitting, half lying on the bed, staring blankly at the white ceiling above his head.

"Taehyungie" Jimin calls out softly as he walks near the hospital bed. Taehyung on hearing him looks his way... He looked so pale as if he had no energy left in him.

"T-Taehyungiee~" Jimin hugs Taehyung and cries. "How are you? I- I thought I would lose you when I saw that K-knife beside you... What happened Taehyungie?? I told you that you can share anything with me right? Then why-"

"J-Jiminie a-am I p-pathetic??" Taehyung interrupts Jimin with his words, his expression blank but eyes speaking lots of emotions.

"No Taehyungie! Not at all! "

"Taebear who told this to you? Did something happen?? You can tell us right?" Jin asks concerned as he walks near Taehyung and Jimin and caresses Taehyung's hairs.

"N-no you are lying!! You also think that I am p-pathetic just like everyone thinks!" Taehyung looks down and shakes his head.

"Taehyungie you are nowhere near a pathetic person ok? You are such a beautiful soul inside and out that no one can dare call you pathetic not even you yourself" Jimin says as he hugs Taehyung. He doesn't know why Taehyung was saying things like this for himself.

"Then w-why can't we be t-together a-gain?" Taehyung mumbles in Jimin's shoulder. Tears escaping his eyes as he closes them.


"Taehyung did something happen between you and Jeongguk?" Jin asks immediately. He knew Jimin didn't know anything about the two but he had to ask this question, otherwise Taehyung won't share anything.

"J-Jin hyung I- we" Taehyung cries heavily remembering each and every word exchanged between him and Jeongguk.

"What did Jeongguk do? Jin hyung?" Jimin asks confused.

"Taebear would you share everything with Jimin, hmm? It will help you..." He wanted Taehyung to share everything that was in his mind or else he would feel suffocated by his own thoughts.

"Yes Taehyungie... You can tell me anything..." Jimin softly caresses Taehyung's cheeks and wipes the tears. He would do anything to help his best friend...

Taehyung weakly nods as he starts telling Jimin about how him and Jeongguk were ex-boyfriends and how due to some circumstances Taehyung had to leave his Jeongguk. But they met again after 3 years and surprisingly lived together, "I- I saw a hope in the past few days... A hope of making things right... Today Jeongguk told me that he wanted to talk about something important to me, I also had an idea about what he wanted to talk about... I was also all ready to tell him the reason I left him b-but... A-after the last lecture got over, I saw J-Jihyo k-kissing him in their classroom... I got heartbroken. I thought maybe that's what Jeongguk wanted to talk about, maybe he wanted to close this chapter of 'us' finally and wanted to m-move on... That maybe he was dating Jihyo...T-thats why I was crying... I can't l-live without him Jiminie... All these years I thought I-I became strong enough to handle myself b-but I was wrong...I am nothing without him... I can let him go for his happiness b-but I can't imagine anyone other than him in my life...The single thought made me go insane and when Jeongguk came back, I started questioning him without even thinking about anything once... He said that J-Jihyo confessed to him today... "Jimin widens his eyes on that.

"But... He rejected her... He got frustrated and said that I d-doubted his loyalty towards m-me and I don't know h-how to keep p-promises... which is true... I am a weak person who doesn't know how to maintain relationships. That's why my parents left me... I had no friends...I can do nothing on my own Jiminie. My mind doesn't support me in any thing...I alw-ays disappoint e-everyone... I disappointed my Gukkie not even once b-but twice that's why he l-left...I am nothing! Nothing! Noth-" Jimin hugs him as Taehyung cries harshly on his shoulder... His eyes were completely swollen now...

"Shhh Taehyungie calm down... We'll do something okay? And Jeongguk told that he did not like Jihyo in that way right... That means he also wanted to make everything right. Hmm? So we should trust him, he will come back to you" He pats his back comfortingly. He didn't know Jihyo liked Jeongguk... But he can say that Jihyo didn't 'like' Jeongguk, she was possessive of him... The fact that Jeongguk didn't let anyone closer to him other than his friends made her chest swell with pride. But when she saw Jeongguk getting closer to Taehyung she couldn't handle the jealousy inside her. She wanted Jeongguk to pay attention to her, not Taehyung. That's why she did things like that...

"Taebear... You'll stay at my house for a few days? "Jin asks still caressing his hairs. He knows Taehyung needed a change for a few days. Then maybe when he and Jeongguk will talk everything will sort out.

Taehyung weakly nods. He can't face Jeongguk right now... He was not in the right state of mind and was afraid that they might fight again...

So he agrees to stay at Jin's apartment for a few days and attend university after that.


Park Jiminnn!! The lyrics to the song are everything!!😍😍

Also 'Wherever u r' on 30th December... I am very excited! Taehyung is giving gift on his own birthday and I live for it! <3

 I am very excited! Taehyung is giving gift on his own birthday and I live for it! <3

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