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The stamina of the red wine was great. After Yue Fei Shu moved the book, he felt all over his body. He thought it was because of exercise. Later, after taking a break, he found that the temperature didn't drop, but was a little dizzy, so he had to admit that he might be a little drunk.

His alcohol volume is not bad, and it can only be the problem of Gu Wei's alcohol after analysis.

Is it that the more expensive the red wine, the easier it is to be intoxicating? Yue Fei came to this conclusion and gave up his plan to study in the new study at night, went back to the room on the first floor and changed his clothes, so he couldn't wake up.

Late at night, in the master bedroom on the second floor, Gu Wei who had already fallen asleep suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes fell on the door, his Adam's apple slid up and down, and he sat up.

Although faint, he was sure he smelled the sweetness of unfamiliar pheromones.

It's an omega.

It's in this house.

With a click, the door of the master bedroom opened.

Gu Wei was expressionless, following the smell of pheromone, walking down the stairs, stopping in front of a door of a room.

If he remembers correctly, the person in the room at this moment should be his partner who agreed to get married, Yue Fei, a beta.

Realizing that something happened outside of his control, Gu Wei's brows gradually frowned.

But instead of opening the door in front of him, he turned around and returned to the second floor.

After sitting quietly next to his bed for a while, Gu Wei pulled out a glass tube from the bedside table and silently injected the liquid into his body.

Inflicting inhibitors on yourself is a basic skill for Alpha. After finishing the fight, Gu Wei threw the empty tube onto the table, lay back on the bed, and closed his eyes.


With this sleep, Yue Fei slept extremely uncomfortably. When she woke up, she found herself sweating all over, and she washed in the bathroom before walking out of the room.

When he walked to the dining room, he found that Gu Wei was already sitting at the dining table, and Yue Fei was taken aback.

"You haven't gone to work yet?"

Gu Wei raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes deep, and the dark eyeballs contained deep meanings of unknown meaning.

"Waiting for you."

"Ah? Oh!" Yue Fei sat down at the dinner table, "Is there anything to explain?"

Gu Wei looked at him, but didn't speak immediately.

Yue Fei was at a loss.

The pheromone that fascinated him strongly last night, like a clear sweet spring, can't even smell it at the moment.

Gu Wei picked up the cup next to his hand, sipped his saliva, lowered his eyes, thoughtfully for a moment, then said: "It's okay, don't forget that Wednesday, I went to the company."

After speaking, Gu Wei got up and left before Aunt Chen brought breakfast.

Yue Fei thought he was really just reminding himself about Wednesday, so he didn't care. After eating, he asked the driver to send him back to school.

What Yue Fei didn't know was that early that morning, Tang Yue received a new assignment from his boss as soon as he arrived at the company.

—— Investigate Yue Fei’s medical treatment or physical examination records in all hospitals, and don’t let him know about it.

I Got Bitten After Transmigrating into a Pseudo-BetaWhere stories live. Discover now