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Yue Fei received a call from He Yinyin for the first time. Gu Wei didn't tell him much about the Gu family, and the book didn't mention much about Gu family. The only thing that is clear is that Gu Wei is the leader of the Gu family generation. Therefore, how to deal with He Yinyin, Yue Fei is a little bit unsure for a while. quasi.

"Are you busy?" He Yinyin was very polite.

Yue Fei: "You are not busy, what do you want?"

"That's it. At the end of the month, it will be the Gu family's ancestor worship day. The ancestor worship has always been handled by our family. Gu Wei is busy with work, so I want to ask if you have time next weekend. Come back and help me. It takes up two days of your weekends and does not affect normal schooling."

He Yinyin's gentle temperature made Yue Fei unable to refuse.

"Well, of course it's okay, Gu...Wei was on a business trip today. When he comes back tonight, I will tell him and let him take me back next weekend." Yue Fei responded politely.

He Yinyin: "Okay. See you next week, Xiao Fei."

"See you next week." Yue Fei said.

He Yinyin asked him to look back at home? According to her, he is only required to be there next weekend, and Gu Wei will be "busy at work" without being forced to be there.

He and Gu Wei had been married for a while, and He Yinyin might have wanted to see him more, but he didn't have the opportunity before, so it happened that he had the opportunity to worship the ancestors of the Gu family.

How to do? Yue Fei was a little bit distressed, saying that being a mother was the most careful, and he worried that He Yinyin would see through the false marriage between him and Gu Wei.

However, all the anxiety can only be discussed with Gu Wei after he comes back in the evening. Yue Fei sighed, threw the phone aside, picked up the book and continued to chew.

If he wants to review his home next weekend, he will have less time to study for another two days, so he should try to see more.

When Gu Wei came back in the evening, Yue Fei was still working hard in the study, and didn't go downstairs until he personally came up and asked someone to eat.

"So hard today?" Gu Wei quipped him.

Yue Fei: "Because I won't have time to read next week."

Gu Wei: "Why?"

Yue Fei: "Your mother called and asked me to look back at home next week and help her prepare for her ancestor worship."

Gu Wei grabbed the food and said, "Don't worry about it, I will call her back later."

"But I have agreed." Yue Fei blinked.

Gu Wei: "It's okay."

"...I also said you will take me back next weekend." Yue Fei confessed honestly, "Her call came suddenly, and I was not prepared."

"Actually, it's okay to go back, but I'm afraid you can't handle it." Gu Wei's tone suddenly became serious. "Although my mother looks gentle and affectionate, you also know that she can sit in the position of the wife of the Gu family in power. , Definitely not someone who can fool around casually."

Yue Fei became a little nervous: "Then you should stop working on weekends and go back with me? Or you can find an excuse to tell your mother that I won't make it."

Seeing him taking the bait, Gu Wei's mouth twitched: "But you don't have to worry too much. My mother supports me in inheriting Gu's family as soon as possible."

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