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Ethan's POV:

I am just finished with my practice and I am feeling too tired even to change. So I decided to change after a hot shower at home. Jasper wanted to walk to work . I just told him that I was skipping work today as I am too exhausted. He was looking a bit upset because wht not I didn't even talked to him properly after we started dating. So i promised him to go on a date with him tomorrow.

I slowly entered in the mansion knowing that Gillean wouldn't be home yet. I just took a hot shower and started to complete my assignments and prepare for my upcoming exams. Gillean entered inside the room and ignored me as usual. I don't know what has gotten into him. Ever since that lunch- That's it he is mad because I rejected that proposal. Like seriously, does he really like me. Is this the reason why he told me to stop contacting Jasper.

If this is the reason I just want to say he is selfish, very selfish. Whatever, I don't think he likes me. It would be very weird and awkward imagining me and him dating. Whatever, I should just focus on my assignments.

Next day, I was eating in cafeteria when that chestnut again approached me, seriously."What do you want?" I asked him. "Nothing just wanted to eat with my soon to be friend." He said with a dirty smirk. "Don't daydream. I won't ever be friend with f*****g f****t like you."I said. He just looked at me and continue to talk nonsense. I just finished my lunch and walked to the library as i have no classes and the practice is after a few hours.

Not to forget I had a date with Jasper today too and I am already too tired. What can I do? I can't say no to him today. I don't know what's happening to me? I wanted to date him. Now I am but it doesn't feel right. Maybe I am dating someone for the first time in my life. And here he comes with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him. And we headed to work together.

After work, we were on our way to a restaurant but it started raining heavily. So Jasper suggested that we should go to his apartment as it was just few minutes away. I nodded and we both ran in the rain holding hands together completely soaking in rain. We reached his apartment and it was small and cozy. He lent me his clothes and I took a warm shower.

As I stepped outside the shower, I could feel the tension in the room. Jasper back hugged me and started sniffing my nape. I couldn't help but moan. He turned me around and kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. He slide his hands inside the t-shirt I was wearing. And we end up doing it again.

I was just done practicing, that's when a girl approached me with a letter and box of chocolates in her hand. She asked me out as expected but someone suddenly pulled me towards himself in his embrace and it was Jasper. "Sorry girl but he is already my boyfriend."Jasper said and kissed me like infront everyone. I was too shocked to even react.

And this news about dating Jasper travelled faster than I thought. "Look who's there, a gay f****t." Some seniors said looking at me in disgust. I tightened my fists and ignored them. "Hey dude we are talking to you" One of them said putting a hand on my shoulder. I yanked his hand and he glared at me and shouted, " You b*****d, how dare you? We are your seniors show some respect." And then he slapped me. That's it I lost it and kicked him at his balls. The other guy who was smoking punched me on my nose and I couldn't for few seconds.

I could feel the rage rising inside me and then I beated the shit out of them. A gift they will always remember. I sighed and continued walking to work.

I entered inside the mansion and it was calm as usual but today the lights were dim. I just shrugged it off and walked towards the master bedroom for shower. And as soon as I opened the door, I saw Gillean in his robe sitting on the bed like a king with a glass of wine in his hands looking hella hot. "So, from where should I start but I think you don't like freedom, I gave you, Right."Gillran said in his deep husky sending chills to my spine. "What do you mean?" were the only words that escaped my mouth. "Just tell me from where should I start, about you hooking up with Jasper or you dating him or you kissing him infront of everyone. Oh! I forgot when you slept with him on a rainy night." Gillean said putting his glass on the side table.

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