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Ethan's POV:

I was sitting in the library completing my assignments but then, I was disturbed with a call from Gillean. I answered the call and he yelled at me for coming back home. Geez! Sometimes I really wonder what is wrong with this man. Anyways, there's nothing I can do with him. I guess I have to leave early. I sighed sadly and packed my stuff and started walking towards his mansion with earphones in my ears.

I entered the mansion and felt a little strange. The maids greeted me and offered me water to drink. Then, I went to my room to get fresh but Gillean was sitting uncomfortably on the side of the bed gripping the bedsheet tightly thinking something deeply. He didn't notice me coming in the room. I slowly settled down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Oh! So you are finally here. I didn't notice you coming in the room. You finally got the time to get back home.” he said calmly “Gillean what is wrong with you?” I asked him and he didn't reply.

I sighed and went to take a shower. After I got out of the shower, Gillean was still sitting in the same position I left him. What the fuck is wrong with this dude? Why is it so hard to understand him? I sighed and approached him again. “Hey, please tell me what's wrong? Why are you like this? ” Ethan asked. “Nothing just stressed about my work.” was all he replied but at least he said something.

“Fine, I have to work on my assignments. Ask me if you need anything from me.” I said and started working. He mumbled something I was unable to hear. “What? Did you say something?” I asked. “Why are you so fucking obsessed with always working on your assignments? What's the point? You have all necessary things you need to live furthermore you have luxury and me. Still, still you want to be a doctor and ruin your life with such a hectic job. I just can't understand you.” Gillean said. I froze there for a minute as many emotions rushed through me altogether. I didn't know this feeling. Should I yell at him. Behave calmly or should I just let it go. My mind was blank and I had no idea what my next move should be.

“Some people have dreams to fulfill dear Gillean and sorry to say I am one of them. So bear with me or do whatever you want but I am not giving up the chance to be the world's best cardiologist. At least I would want to be the best cardiologist in San Francisco. That's the least I have dreamt of. So I would not let anyone come in between my dreams and I will not let anyone even you shatter them. Just because I have luxury does not mean I don't want to achieve these dreams.” I said as a sigh  escaped my lips.

I tried to observe Gillean's face but it was totally blank. He had no expression at all and his blank cold eyes were piercing through my soul. I waited 2 minutes to get a reply from him but after he did not respond I started my work. The semester was coming to an end and exams will be starting soon. I have a lot to revise. I cannot waste my time.
But this situation, Fuck it, I can't decide whether I should study or not. Maybe he needs to spend time with me, maybe we should go out and enjoy ourselves. I sighed once again and looked in the direction where Gillean was sitting.

“Hey, Gillean would you like a stroll in the park? Maybe it could help your stress and relax your mind. It always helps me. You should give it a try.” I said and he nodded with an 'okay'. I smiled at him and walked out of the room.

During the stroll, no one spoke a word. He maintained his cold blank expression and after half an hour he only said that we should head back. I wonder what it is that left him stressed. I never saw him stressed before. Anyways we reached home at roughly 8 pm. I noticed Chester wasn't home yet. Maybe he was staying somewhere else. I called him but he didn't reply. I texted him a few times and still got no reply. I wonder what he is doing. Later, I completed my assignments and headed for dinner. Gillean refused to have dinner, so I decided I would just offer him a cup of coffee or maybe wine. Whatever he likes. I checked my phone one more time and there still wasn't any reply from Chester. I called him a few times again. But still no reply. Where is he??

After thinking it through, I think he likes wine more, so let's just have a nice bottle of wine.
I went to our room with a bottle of 'Screaming Eagles' the wine he treasures and loves the most. He still had that cold look on his face. “Gillean” I called out and he hummed in response. “Let's have some wine.” I said and he nodded.

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