Chapter 5

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Isabella's POV

It's been two weeks since I started working at Armani's with frequent visits of Aaron. Stella is on her maternity leave, but she keeps on checking up with me while calling or facetiming. She's really sweet. And Nate is kind too. He's nothing like Anastasia. He treats me politely. I sit on my seat comfortably, which is right outside Nate's office, and sip on my caramel mocha, devouring its taste in peace while going through the new launched scents of Armani, in the magazine.

The silence was broken when I heard a pair of footsteps stop right in front of my desk. I look up from the magazine only to meet with shallow pair of eyes staring right through my soul. I got up, setting down the finished cup of caramel mocha on the desk, and mentally facepalmed myself for forgetting his visit. Never expected him to be so punctual.

"I suppose you are here to explore the watch collection."

Aaron gave a slight nod and looked over at Nate's office.

"He's busy in an online conference. I'll show you the collection. It's in the other building. "

He hummed as I lead him the way. He silently walks beside me dressed up neatly and handsomely in his navy blue suit.

After showing him the collection, he selected the most expensive one. Of course, he wore expensive items.

I stepped into the elevator, followed by him. He stood two steps behind me, neither of us spoke the entire time expect me explaining and giving him details of the watches. All of a sudden, the elevator stopped moving, and the lights flickered. Before I could do anything, the elevator started falling down with so much speed that we stumbled. Out of reflex, I gasped and grabbed onto his arm tightly to maintain my balance, but it couldn't help. It came to a hault, and I took shallow breaths. He looked at me and held my arm, steadying me.

"Are you alright?!"

There was a hint of worry in his voice.

I nod slightly and open my phone to call the services. Stella gave me every important emergency number that I'll need. But unfortunately, there were no signals in my phone. Aaron probably searched for the same when I heard him curse under his breath.

I tried to take deep breaths as I felt myself getting a panic attack.

No! Not here.
Everything's fine.
Everything's fine.
We'll get out of here.

In such emergencies, the workers immediately take care of the situation. But it was taking more than forever.

I look around trapped in the closed space, and due to lack of oxygen, my mind blurred. I blinked repeatedly and shook my head, trying to shake off the visions forming in my mind.

Closed dark room, my wrists trapped in ropes tightly as screams vail from my throat.

Dad! Dad, please! Let me go. I won't tell anyone. Please!

My mind wandered to that dreadful night, and my breath hitched as I grabbed to the side of my dress, and my lips wobbled as tears slipped out of my eyes and my back met with cold surface of the elevator.

"Let me go, please, Dad! I won't tell it to anyone. "

I mumbled those words again and again, breathing rapidly and sliding down in the corner of the elevator.

Aaron's POV

We were in the elevator when it suddenly malfunctioned, and lights flickered. I tried calling someone, but because of being trapped in the elevator, the signals in the phone were not available. I was calm until I found Isabella on the floor of the elevator, repeating those words continuously. She was having a panic attack from childhood trauma, maybe. I used to have them a lot, but I overcame them eventually. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her fragile frame, shuddering heavily.

I caress my hand through her soft, silky hair and hold her close to me, trying to calm her. Her fingers grabbed my shirt, in her small fists, as tears streamed down her cheeks, wetting my shirt. But I didn't give a damn about this piece of clothing. What's important to me is Isabella and her feelings.

Dad?! did her father hurt her in the past?

"It's fine. No one's going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you."

I was shocked myself by the words that came out of my mouth. My blood boiled by the thought of seeing her hurt, even if it's her father. She's such a beautiful and kind soul. How can someone even think of hurting her.

She stopped shaking after a few minutes while I held her close to me in silence. She sniffed and pulled herself slightly away from me. I looked at her worriedly.

"Look at me, take deep breaths. You are safe."

She nodded and took a few deep breaths, and finally looked at me.

"I-I'm sorry.."

She said while looking at my shirt drenched with her tears. I gently placed my thumb over her cheek and wiped the last tear, falling out of her eye.

"It doesn't matter to me.
What matters to me is you."

She blinked twice, hard to process my words in her current situation.

And right at that moment, the doors of the elevator opened, revealing worried Nate and two workers probably since they were dressed in uniform.

I instantly removed my arm from her and held her hand, helping her get up, and I stood straight, clearing my throat. Isabella quickly straightened up and dusted off her dress.

"Are you both alright?
Are you fine, Aaron?
Was anyone hurt?!
I had no information that this wasn't working properly. "

Nate asked hurriedly as we both stepped out of the elevator and hugged me tightly.

"Calm down, Nate. We are fine.
It was just a default. "

I said casually, and he let go of me as I straightened my blazer.

"You should've not left your assistant alone. You should take care of her more."

I scoffed with a straight face, and he raised his brow.

"I take care of all my employees very well, Connor. You should be worried about yours, leaving them every day. Why don't you work here only if you like my company so much?! You've been visiting me almost every day for the last two weeks. Never thought you loved my company more."

"Stop obssessing over yourself, Kane."

He threw his sarcastic words at me, and I rolled my eyes, slipping my hands in my pockets and walking away from there, sparing a last glance at Isabella.

Isabella's POV

I came back home and lay on my bed after changing into comfortable pajamas. I sighed as I pulled
Mr. Bunny close to me and cuddled him. I stared at the wall, recalling today's incident. Aaron's worried eyes came in front of me, and I could feel his warmth around me. It took me hours to calm myself by the panic attack. But he just made me feel safe, and everything was fine. He comforted me and made me feel safe. He did that every time. His promising words ringed in my ears.

I'm here to protect you.
You are safe.
What matters to me is you.

My cheeks tinting crimson red on remembering his words and his strong arms comforting me. I could feel my heart race. He barely knew me, but he had already saved me from Liam and even helped me through my panic attack. He is not so cold-hearted as he seems, maybe. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep while thinking about him.

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