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     Shinha's pov

  Yona, hak, and the rest of us are walking around aimlessly. Yona is still thinking of what to do now since she has all of the four dragons. We walk to the wind tribe for a bit since hak and yona are good friends with the wind tribe. After a couple of weeks we set out again. We went to some mountains where my home use to be. That's when I noticed something. I saw something move within the trees. I just thought maybe it was a bird so I continued walking then it Happened again. Yona noticed I stopped walking and asked me if something was wrong. I didn't want to worry anyone so I shook my head. For about half an hour I kept an eye on it. It wasn't an animal that's for sure. But it's moving awfully fast. It moved almost at the speed of light. This isn't good. After I figured out a plan everyone decided to stop for the night.  That's when it came close really close. I knew it was going to pounce. But for some reason, it didn't seem to be going after Yona. Which confused me a little. That's when I saw dark purple hair glide across my face and I quickly backed up noticing a sword being swigged at my face. I barely was able to dodge the attack. I look to see a girl who was a bit taller than yona with two swords and blue eyes that looked as cooled as ice. Her eyes stared at me like daggers. She looked pissed as her purple glowing hair blew with the wind. Everyone else was as shocked as me. The girl swung two swords at me this time and I pull my sword out classing with hers. I was really impressed with her abilities. To be honest. If I couldn't see. I would have thought she was a man. Girls are forbidden to fight here. People think women are weak. Well the girl in front of me was the exact opposite of weak.
"Are you people another one of those slave trader freaks?!" She questioned aloud. I shocked my head
"Then who are you people?!" She questioned as yona quickly stood up and shouted in her sweet tone.
"We're just travelers." Yona exclaimed as the girl looked at yona then slowly pull away from my swords and put hers away.
"So you not a slave?" She asked yona in a softer tone that sounded sweet and soothing.
"No. These are just my friends. May I ask who these slave traders are?" Yona questioned
"Their some horrible people who kidnap women and trade them or sell them for goods. I'm an assassin" she exclaimed as everyone looked shocked.
"Aren't girls not aloud to fight?" Hak asked.
"Should that matter?" The girl glared at hak. And may i say. It was ten times more tariffing than yona's glare.
"What's you name miss?" Yun asked which im glad cause I didn't want to ask
"Misaki......" She answered
"That means beautiful blossom right?" Yona asked excitedly
"U-umm yes" misaki answered. She was kinda cute with the way she stuttered. Though something seemed off. Her eyes. The light from her eyes wasn't there. Like her happiness was ripped away from her. That's the moment I realized that we are the same.

Authors note:
Hope u all loved it. I love it so far XD. Anyways that's all for now. Vote and comment plz

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