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Misaki Pov
It was the very next day and I slowly woke up to something, bushy and soft? I opened ,my eyes noticing I was right next to shin-ha. I blushed a little and I noticed his mask wasn't on and I gently touched his face a smiled when I heard a slight coughing sound and I looked up to see hak, yona, and everyone else standing above us smirking. I let out a girly squeal and shin-ha jolted up and swung a sword at everyone not realizing what happened. Everyone leaped out of the way and fell down. Hak laughing says "so she does have a girly side." He chuckles "so I hopped you both had a wonderful night". I growled and grab sword and started to hit him with the sheath on it repetitively. "I'm gonna kick you ass!" I shouted and shin-ha grabbed me and lifting me up a bit and pulled me away from hak who was laughing with bruises on his face and I growled more "Let me at him! Let me at him!" I shouted. After a bit I stopped from exhaustion from fighting against shin-ha and I breath heavily. "I'll get you back for this hak." I promised and got up putting my bow and swords on my back. That when yona got excited and got on her knees in front of me "please teach me to fight! Please! You strong and your a woman as well! I'll practice every day!" She explained. Obviously she was serious. Which surprised me a little. "Are you sure about this? I'm pretty strict and tough? I don't teach cry babys" I stated and she nodded "yes I'm positive. Hak has been trying to show me but I haven't been doing the greatest. Plus he won't show me how to use a sword." I stood their as everyone else watched with shocked faces. After a couple minutes of thinking I nodded "alright. But I expect no complaining" she nodded happily with this response and hugged me "yes yes! Thank you so much!" I looked at her shocked and hugged back. "Alright no more cuddleness. We start at lunch break" I stated as we all started to walk with no particular place in mind. That's when yoon said we should go visit the Priest. Though he won't admit he misses him.

Around lunch time me and yona started to work. I showed her different stretching exercises, fighting positions, and warm ups to get her use to working hard. After a bit I handed her a real sword and I grabbed mine and showed her basic techniques on how to use it and stuff. Poor hak was jealous. He doesn't get to work with the beautiful princess anymore. Guess he misjudged her. Or he was afraid. Two things he shouldn't do. Jea-ha as watching smirking slightly from afar "two beautiful women practicing to become strong yet I don't get to play with either" he pouts and kija smiled and clapped every time yona did something correct. Shin-ha watched impressed with how much I new. After a bit we sat down and I laid out different weapons in front of us and I explained how they work and basics about them. Yoon joined us since he's always so interested in learning something new. Shin-ha stood over me and watched as well. I could feel hak's death glare on me. It was actually laughable. This is what he gets for being a dick. After we finished I let yona take a small break. She may be determined and I may want her to learn faster. Yet with her body type she's easily breakable. And we can't afford that. Yoon asked me to help him find herbs and food for lunch. He even asked me to hunt something. I easily found a rabbit and shot it. I brought I over to him. He seemed confused about two different plants that looked the same but one was edible and the other wasn't. I told him which one we wanted and he looked at me surprised. "Just because I act more like a man doesn't mean I ignored everything else. I'm good medicines and herbs and all sorts of stuff" I exclaimed. He seemed excited about this and also asked me to teach him. I agreed. He seems to learn quickly so it would benefit everyone if he knew more. After we got back and started to cook I glanced at hak with his jealous face staring at yona. I felt slightly bad for the guy. The damn girl has no clue does she. Whatever. Not my problem.

Authors note:
Yay! Another chapter! Hoped u all liked it. Anyways the pic is my edit and re color. But the original pic belongs to the original owner. Hoped u all like it. Oh and that is Misaki. The original recolor is on my "update status" if u r curious what she looks like without all the extra colors. Anyways. Chow!

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