In Ophari
Narrator's pov:
"What do you mean we don't have the materials?!"

The queens voice echoed through the room. Her daughter glanced up from her plate to look at her mother, who was surprised, overwhelmed and most definitely fuming.

The princess's father looked at his wife, then calmly said:

"What I mean is, that we don't have the materials to add another district. We need more materials imported, and the transport alone costs a few thousand hojis"

The queen looked at her husband for a moment, then shouted:

"Well go get more materials then!"

"It's not that easy Nory. The only kingdom who has the materials we need, is Elara..."

Once those words were out of the king's mouth, the queen stared at him, unsure of what to say. At this point, their one and only daughter was done with her food, so she said:

"Mother, Father,, I'm done with my food. May I please be excused from the dinner table?"

"Yea sure. But if you go outdoors, make sure too have at least three guards with you" the king told his daughter.

After her father had excused her, Amina stood up from the table and started walking to the door. Once her face was out of everyone's sight, she rolled her eyes.

Why'd she have to bring guards with her? It's not like she has to worry about the other kingdoms's citizens would try to kill her, right?

Even if they tried too, she could protect herself. She didn't need the protection of three guards to stay safe. Oh well, she didn't like it, but she'd have to work with it. Not following her father's rules could have serious consequences.

Outside the Ophari royal palace:
Third person's pov:
After exiting the palace, Amina was almost at one of the royal carriages when she heard one of the guards.

"Amina! You heard what the king said girl!"

Oh geez it was Thomas, or as she called him Tom. Her best friend and one of the only sane people in the entire palace.

She reluctantly turned around to meet a pair of hazel eyes paired with the classical tanned skin that most of the people in Ophari had. His hazel eyes met her golden green as he said:

"Mina, I know you want to show your family that you can protect yourself, but flat out ignoring your father's demand is not a good idea, at all"

"I know Tom, it's just so frustrating sometimes. I mean, look at my four brothers. They never even requested to bring a single guard out most of the time, let alone three! For me, three guards is the low end of the spectrum.... It's just not fair" she said, shouting at the end.

Her friend looked at her, then smiled. Not a happy or sad one, just a pitiful smile. His eyes look away as he says:

"Well, you might not want to have guards with you everywhere, but you wouldn't mind having your best friends joining you?"

As he finished talking, Amina's eyes widened as she saw two other guards walking towards them. One of them she recognized as Brandon, her childhood friend and a guard since forever.

The other one, she couldn't really place. They both reached her and stopped. Grinning, Brandon said:

"Well would you mind having us with you on an adventure, your majesty?"

"Oh shut up Brandon" Amina said, playfully punching his arm before embracing her friend. She stepped away, then said:

"Uhm, not to be rude but, who are you?"

"Oh, they don't talk with their helmet on in public. Anyways, come on Mina! We have a king to ask before you can run off!"

"Oh, okay!" she said, now smiling again. Instantly, she started hurrying up the stairs back up to the palace.

Brandon and Tom quickly hurried after her, while the third guard walked patiently up the stairs after them. If the king said yes, Amina would, for the first time in her life, be able to go anywhere she wanted.

Ideas, critique, and any additional proofreading is very appreciated. If you see any mistakes, let me know. Don't get me wrong I trust my proofreader, but just in case. Maybe they missed something. Anyways, bye! Words: 712

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