Third person's pov
When the four of them got back to Ophari, Snowdrop had put on her helmet again, to not be seen as who she really is.

They got back to the castle, the old man got to the cart to drive it back. Amina left him a 200 silver tip as a gift, which was four times his daily pay.

They left him there in shock as Amina led them up to the castle, saying hi to her family before going to Mina's room to chat. Thinking they were safe, Snowdrop removed her helmet to talk to them. Amina turned to her friend and said:

"Well, you're here now Irani, but how'd you do it?"

"How'd I do what?" Irani asked her friend, not understanding what she meant.

"How's you escape your mother? She was holding you with an iron fist" Amina told her, and then looked at her with curious eyes.


And then Irani went on to tell the entire story, from what the queen would do to her if she disobeyed to her grand escape. Once she was finished, the others were staring at her concerned, shocked and angry. After a few seconds of silence, Tom screamed:

"She did all that to you?!"

"Not that loud Tom! And yes, she did but I'm okay" Irani said, but it was too late.

Others had heard them and before Irani had time to put her helmet back on, the Ophari guards were in Mina's room and saw their mortal enemy's eldest princess in the room, wearing a guard uniform and sitting right beside their only princess.

They all ran into the room to arrest her, getting held back by Tom and Brandon for a little when they tried to protect her, but in the end they all three got captured. While the guards were dragging them, Amina stood in the door, blocking them and shouting:

"Please, let them go! They're my best friends, they haven't done anything!"

But the guards didn't listen, and the three of them were dragged into the dungeons while two other guards stopped Amina from running after them. The princess was led to her parents, crying. She had a lot to explain.

In the dungeon
Tom's pov:
"Let me go you bastards! What did I ever do to you!?"

I could hear Irani shouting as the other guards threw her into the cell, me and Brandon following closely behind. They quickly closed and locked the door, with Irani grabbing the bars viciously and screaming curses after them. I sighed and said:

"There's no use Irani, they won't let us out"

"You think I'm giving up Thomas?! You think I'll just sit here and let them send me back home, where I'll get more abused than ever before?! Well, let me inform you, that's not gonna happen and I'll never stop fighting!"

"He never said you'd give up Irani, he just said it's useless to try to make them let us out" Brandon told her, standing up. He sighed and then continued:

"We've seen what they do to disobeying prisoners here. They get less, food, they're silenced in some way or they have to sleep on the floor. There's nothing you can do to get out, so there's no use resisting their rules"

"Fine, but it's so unfair! What did I ever do?!" Irani exclaimed, turning to the two of us.

"We know Snowdrop, We know" me and Brandon both said in sync before turning to each other, leaving Irani alone with her thoughts.

With the royals
Third person's pov:
"You did what!?"

The king's voice sounded harsh, and for the first time in her life, Amina was afraid of him. She slowly crept away as she quietly said:

"It's true father..."

"YOU DIRECTLY DISOBEYED ME BY GOING OUTSIDE OF THE KINGDOM, AND TRIED TO HELP OUR ENEMY'S DAUGHTER!" the king yelled, now sounding furious. Amina was very close to tears, but she remained composed and with her voice thick with tears she said:

"I'm sorry father..."

The king sighed before continuing.

"A sorry won't cut it, you're grounded and forbidden from ever seeing them again" he said, and Amina's blood went cold. She quickly blurted out:

"But dad!"

"No complaints, go to your room!" the King shouted at her, quickly making tears form in her eyes as she ran up to her room.

Once Amina was in her room, the tears escaped her eyes and she cried.

Hope you liked this chapter! Words: 751

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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