The Apical Of A Bet- 2

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Daniel was the guy Neriya was in love with. No wait. Neriya is in love with him. She always has been. He is a co worker of Sam. And now he is also my masterplan.

I've known Daniel from 6 years. We were in the same school. He isn't exactly a close friend but we know each other's existence. So I asked him for help. Sam and Neriya didnt leave me much choice did they?

Fortunately enough, Daniel agreed to it. To my surprise he actually was too interested in doing this. I didnt mind. I just want them to break up in the most pathetic way. So then my masterplan began.


Daniel came to pick me up from the office. He was there too early so we waited. I knew that this time around, Sam would come for Neriya too so we waited. When I finally saw them, I signalled Daniel. He took off his hood and pulled me closer. We made sure we were in Neriya and Sam's sight. And so we kissed. For as long as I could. Not gonna lie, he's a good kisser though.

When I pulled back, I was happy to see Neriya's eyes about to bleed with tears. She was about to burst. Along that, Sam looked bloody hell confused. Maybe he didnt recognize Daniel or he couldn't process all of this. I put on the most evil smile on my face and continued to snuggle with Daniel. He played along too.


When Sam and Neriya went off, I thanked Daniel and treated him to dinner. We might end up being good friends after this.

The next day, Neriya walked up to me very casually. Af if nothing happened. But eventually she ended up opening the chapter of me and Daniel. She was so curious. But curiosity killed the cat right ?

So I told her everything that I wanted her to hear. I could see her tearing up. I was enjoying all this drama.

Daniel and me continued this for 2 weeks. Neriya was still not used to it.

And there I was then.... Secretly plotting a revenge by being publically in a relationship with Daniel.

Soon enough.... Sam and Neriya broke up. Their relationship didn't even last a whole fuxking month. As I expected, Neriya had become very uncomfortable with Sam after seeing me and Daniel together. It affected their relationship. More fights and fits. More drama. No cutesy stuff anymore.

Shit just got real.

Neriya had become glum and dull. And rude. And broken. And lifeless. And dark.

Everything I wanted her to be.

Everything I had been.

Everything that I had become when she wrecked my love life.

I thanked Daniel one last time and we ended the whole facade. I was happy and satisfied now. Of course I'm still hoping that I could go back in time and fix it all but it's not possible. Neriya was definitely a good friend of mine and I would love it for things to go back to the way it was. I would've loved to be with Sam again and be a close friend to Neriya. But it can never be the same again. NEVER.

In the end none of us actually got the person we wanted. So this is how it ended.

This is how a stupid bet sunk our lives into the ocean of hate. But everything happens for a reason. So then everything went on happily ever after?

  Who am I kidding? There is no     
        happily ever after shit!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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