a recent drawing of them

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I have improved a lot, and I like to see that I have changed when it comes to drawing

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I have improved a lot, and I like to see that I have changed when it comes to drawing.

In my old book I have the first drawing of them and making a comparison is like "wow"

Well, I'll have to say who is who.

Swift('s father) (the Blue-jay)

[Disclaimer: He is Swift's father not the Swift we know, they both have the same name. In the past in the old book that I published I shared the idea of: what if Swift had an old relative in top wing? I had created his father before it was revealed that the grandfather was related to Switf and part of Top Wing.]

Yuki the kiwi (the brown little one)

Dairu the wader (the beige one)

Félix the penguin (the small black and white one)

Their information will be revealed in the future here.

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