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Dear Readers,

          As you wander through the realms of fiction, I beckon you to heed a whimsical reminder. Within this imaginary tapestry, where tales unfurl like enchanted threads, let me whisper to your imagination.Remember, dear readers, that amidst the realms of make-believe, extraordinary wonders abound. From the soaring heights of mystical creatures to the depths of uncharted realms, allow your spirit to soar alongside the characters who grace these pages.

So, my fellow readers of fiction, immerse yourselves in these cherished creations. Unleash your imagination, for within these pages lies a sanctuary where anything is possible. Embrace the magic, and may it forever illuminate your own narrative. LEARN TO SEPARATE FICTIONS FROM REALITY.

Happy reading, my dear travelers of the fictional realms!

                                                                                                                                                   Sincerely,                                                                 vemous_space



  A new world wherein,

Alphas are typically portrayed as dominant individuals with heightened physical and social attributes. They may possess traits such as strength, assertiveness, and natural leadership qualities. In some interpretations, they are the only individuals capable of impregnating omegas or producing certain pheromones that affect other individuals' behavior.

 Omegas, on the other hand, are often portrayed as the submissive counterpart to alphas. They may possess traits like nurturing tendencies, heightened empathy, and a desire to form strong emotional connections. In the context of reproductive biology, omegas are typically the ones capable of becoming pregnant or going through heat cycles.

Betas are a third classification that often exists between alphas and omegas. They are considered "normal" individuals who do not possess the dominant or submissive traits associated with the other two categories. In some fictional works, betas may serve as supporting characters or be depicted as having a neutral role in the social hierarchy.

That's what the other books said, In this new case wherein Enigmas exist, Enigmas that are mysterious yet more aggressive that Alphas ,there's no exact definition for them but they say  They are the real Alpha of all Alphas ,the Enigmas.

If Alphas are tend to be possessive to their mates,well, for Enigmas, they more possessive and obsessive to their choosen mate. Choosen Mate? Enigmas are allowed to chose their mate by snatching the other's mate. If Alphas mate are naturally borned for them, well. Enigmas don't.

If Betas only rule is being a neutral to Social Hierarchy, well they don't. Betas can protect omegas from Enigmas and Alphas can't control the Betas cause Beta only allowed Omegas to control and superior to them. Enigmas are the highest among them all and they are rare.

MORE INFORMATION about Enigmas ,Alphas , Omegas, and Betas differences through the flow of the story. 

Happy Sunwon Reading!!!!!

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