xx. ben and his king pajamas

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ben and his king pajamas.

warnings: PDA! slightly smutty type stuff, dirty
talk? nothing too bad don't get your hopes up

usually, for most people the plans never made it out of the group chat. however, for the auradon prep teens specifically, they could plan an event five minutes before and all eventually show up. they may be late, but beauty isn't a five minute process.

the lounge was a pretty decently sized room, there were five couches, along with a bed in a separate room. fairy godmother called it the guest bedroom.

"okay, i got takis, zebra cakes, five bags of kettle corn and bowls, chips, barbecue pringles, orange fanta, dr pepper, juice boxes and evie's candy fruit salad. all the candies are on this paper. do we need anything else?"

mal spoke as he walked into the room and set evie's list down next to all of the snacks. "damn. i think we should be good," evie assumed, with a laugh.

jay and carlos walked in, "look who showed up!"

y/n and angelica turned their heads. noticing both boys in plaid pajama pants, jay with red and black, carlos with black and white. jay wore his black compression shirt, while carlos wore a white one.

y/n and angelica both smirked and shot each other looks before eating some of the snacks. angelica signed as the two boys went over to mal and evie. "they look so fine," she stressed, rubbing her hands all over her face.

y/n nodded. "those damn shirts. and the pants. they're just hot." she rambled, and the two laughed. "is king ben coming?" evie asked, wrapping her arm around doug, who was at her side. she smiled at mal who smiled back. "yeah, he's walking down now."

it was almost six, and the group maneuvered the couches so they were circled around the television, they got carlos' room heater and placed it in the corner of the room, then shut the door and set up all the blankets.

jay sat down next to y/n on the middle couch, with the best view of the television. he scoot closer to her, grabbing a juice box. she was now at his side, their body heat practically combining as one as they grabbed the hello kitty blanket and covered themselves.

when y/n grabbed the remote and started picking out a movie, ben joined, in his fancy, silk pajama set. it made mal laugh as he sat down next to her.

the group searched for the first movie on the list, it follows. y/n searched it up on her netflix profile, and hit play once she saw it.

evie quickly got up and turned off all the lights, the room became completely dark and y/n felt jay move at her side. "you scared?" jay laughed, "not yet."

as the movie slowly progressed, y/n felt jay switching his position fairly often. he adjusted his body, pushing his hips upward and adjusting him self in his seat, manspreading his legs.

y/n looked over at him after the third time, "you good?" her whisper went through his ear and sent a a shiver down his spine. he swallowed. "yeah, i'm good."

he pulled the sleepy trick, where he fake yawned and slowly stretched, his left arm landing behind y/n so she could rest aside him. she cuddled into his side, her head rested on his chest. she grinned. "real smooth."

✓ TRAINING WHEELS,  j. jafarWhere stories live. Discover now