'I Own You'

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They pushed me around, hitting me on my back and pulling my hair. I groaned and yelped in pain, Bill stood near by and watched everything happen. "Ok ok..my turn, go back to your pathetic lives or something." Bill commanded, his 'minions' quickly walked away from the area. My body hit the ground and I froze. Bill grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from the hard and cold ground.

I gasped, his grip on my wrist was cutting off circulation immediately. "It's ok sweetheart..walk it off." He said letting go of me, I fell back into the ground on my butt and I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry Bill..." I said with tears in my eyes, for more context.. This morning I didn't meet him behind the school so he could kiss me and touch me. And I do regret not going, but I am also relived I didn't. We do it every week, same spot, same time.. "Yeah yeah.. I've heard that already. Now stand your ass up and come here" He had a large smirk on his face, I knew I would get punished if I didn't at least try to get up. So I stood up and limped to him, he held my waist and pulled me to him. Our body's touching immediately.

He gently kisses me on my lips, I tried to pull away but he pulled me even closer. He secured my head in place by placing his hand on the back of my neck. And to be honest, a little part of me enjoyed his kisses, hugs, and much more. He bit my bottom lip, asking for entrance..

I opened my mouth and his tongue slipped inside, he moaned as he did so.. I loved it when he did that, our tongues danced for a minute before we parted to catch a breath. His hands slowly went away from my hips, I stared into his eyes and his pierced my soul. "Poor little Sasha, wrapped around my finger tightly.~" His voice sounded playful yet mocking. I blushed and turned my head away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close once more. He smiled truthfully for once and kissed my forehead before walking off back to his classes..

I had mine, but I decided to skip them and go to a small park until the school bell rang. I groaned, I knew the school would inform my parents that I wasn't attending my classes. But school was the least of my problems, Doing what Bill said was was at the top of my everyday list.

I got off of the swing I was on and walked past campus seeing students walk out, "School sucks.." I said to myself. I walked all the way back to my house and walked in, Both of my parents weren't home. Usually out partying which was annoying at times when they come back. Almost always drunk or high. I dropped my little handbag at the front door and walked down my hallway into my room, I shut the door taking in the fresh air. Since my window has been open ever since I and left for school earlier that morning. I grabbed my phone and scrolled on social media, I was on Instagram and saw Bill posting himself with another girl, my all time enemy 'Tara'.. I know I hated Bill, but I always get so jealous when he's out with her and specifically her. She has been one of Bills top play things.

And I envy her for that, I huffed and exit Instagram angrily. I held my composure and took 1 deep breath, My Instagram was private only because I post pictures of me at clubs on the weekends. And only my sister and best friends follow it.. But I thought about something for a second and quickly went back into Instagram and went Bills profile and hit the follow button. I was nervous and set my phone down, I jumped up and squealed happily. But I immediately gotten a follow back...i froze and accepted his request to see my account. I started getting notifications of him liking pictures of me basically with nothing on.

(only a bikini in most pictures)

I was about to throw my phone and start screaming, but I heard the front door open.. Shit, my parents were home. I quickly and soundly went to my door and locked it. Luckily my lights were off-

Take a break and look at this photo, I've been listening to this for an hour on loop.. 😃


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