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I know I said Tom would fuck Sasha, but gore in 2 chapters in a row?? Nope, not happening. And I'm kinda so excited to go back to Germany man, LIKE DAMN. I love you all more than you know it ❤<3


I wake up, and sit up quickly. Rubbing my eyes, I look at Bills alarm clock. 6:00 am.. Luckily it's Saturday. Bill hasn't woken up yet, so I decide to go down to the living room. I had my phone in my hand, so I sit on the cough watching Instagram stories and people having having fun on them. I hear a door shut upstairs, I don't really know if it's Bill.

And to be honest, I hope it's not.

I look over at the stairs, and notice Tom coming down. I couldn't really see him, the sun was covered by dark clouds which make it hard to see him. I see his head turn to me, and he starts walking towards me. As he gets closer, I see his face. "Is that my shirt?" Tom asks, stopping in front of me. He raises an eyebrow with a smirk. Rubbing his eyes, he seems to have ejust woken up?

"Maybe.." I smile, god...i didn't even realise how good he looked until now.

"You could have just asked for it Sasha. I would've said yes" he chuckles, and walks around and sits down right next to me.

I am obviously looking at him, and I know he sees me.. I look over at his phone only to find him looking on my Instagram posts? I don't mind obviously but I wonder what he is doing..

"You look gorgeous in this." He turns the phone so I can get a better look, me with my sister.. Hm. "Not bad I guess." I say with a slight smirk, "Not bad? No, it's perfect" He turns his head toward me.. Holy fuck, his eyes are like the prettiest brown ever.

"Your eyes are gorgeous Tom.." I blurt out, fuck.. Tom's face went red with a smile.

"Can I kiss you?..." Tom's words were a little muffled. I couldn't stop staring at his eyes.. His lips softly met mine all of a sudden and it feels like heaven on earth.

I felt his hand around my neck softly, and his other hand pulled my onto his lap. I felt so safe and warm with Tom. His hand on my waist went up and down my back as he still was kissing me, all of a sudden I feel his tongue slide across my lips into my mouth.

I wasn't shocked, it feels so fucking good... It honestly made me horny.

I moaned out of excitement and I loved the way it touched my tongue at the same time to, I feel something below me poke my entrance through Bills boxers I had on.

I blushed immediately and pulled away from the kiss gently. I looked into his eyes for a second and then-

"Can I help you with that?" I say looking down at his waist area, he nodded his head immediately. I begin grinding on him. Making sure I was in the middle of me, he grunted.

He was holding my hips and making me grind even more, I started grinding a little faster and he held me closer and stuffed his head in my shoulder.. I could obviously hear his little whimpers and aggressive breathing.

I had to stop because my hips were a little sore from this, "Don't Stop..please"

I hear his whing voice in my ears, going in the other and out the next.. How could he be doing this to me? This wasn't fair.

He groans as I continue to move my hips against him.

Fuck.. It hurts to continue to move like this so much. I stop my movement and he immediately looks up at me, and I am breathing really heavily. "Why did you stop?"  He asks me in a frustrated voice. "I have a better idea..." I say with a smile plastered across my face. I get off of his lap and kneel in front of him, I look up at him. He looks down at me and blushes heavily again, I sit up and slowly move my hand up his leg, and tuf at the hem of his sweatpants.

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