Your love, My love, Our love.

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Your love is quicksand,
you sink, sink, and sink
until you start to sufocate.

My love is like nature,
it's beautiful and wonderful,
but can kill you in seconds.

Our love is like a fantasy,
It's not real...

Your love for me is unknown,

unknown like 80% of the ocean.

My love for you is like my love for the sky,
always and forever.

Our love for each other is like
the Amanita Phalloides,
The most toxic thing I know.


so i made this AWILE ago when i was in a very toxic relationship and trying to find a way out of it (i did obvi) but this was made like october something, 2022 or 10/??/22 (i just wanted to add the ?? so i put the alterntive version of writing it)
anyways byeee

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