【M O M E N T】

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  The plan was ready. Everything had seemed to be thought out.

  With Gamora's knowledge of the ships and Ronas whereabouts, they were able to get some pretty exclusive tips on how to get in and past the security. They were going over the final touches, not wanting it to backfire in the middle of their plan.

  [Y/n] didn't help. She didn't know what to do. All she did was move to the side, granting the rest of the group access to work. And she could care less if she was helping or not. If the plan goes wrong, she then knows who to blame for it.

  She sat beside a window, half her body rested against the glass. The ship moved a bit slow, but it gave her time to look at all the stars. Somehow, she always felt that all the stars were different from the last. No matter how much in common they might have.

  ''Hey,'' Her head snapped over to the culprit of the voice, who only turned out to be Rocket. ''Just came to find you. You hadn't helped with the plan, I thought something must've happened.''

  Rocket shrugged to himself, thinking about how stupid that had sounded.

  ''And why would something happen?'' 

  ''It's a ship we're not familiar with, people we're not familiar with.'' Although Quill had reassured that nothing would happen to any of them, Rocket didn't want to take any chances. After all, they didn't seem like the friendliest of people. ''Can I?''

  ''Go ahead.'' 

  Rocket hopped onto the seat by the window, seating himself on the opposite side of [Y/n]. He copied her movements, sitting down with his back against the wall, knees pulled up to his chest as his arms rested against them.

  There was a silence between them. One that was a tad awkward. [Y/n] stayed her gaze out the window, now staring mindlessly. Her focus was lost and she didn't remember how many stars had passed. She brought her legs closer — as if it were possible — feeling the need to give Rocket more space on the seat. 

  Just then, the silence was broken by Rockets soft chuckle. His head moved down, his chest moving along with the sound of his laugh. A small grin only made its way to his face. 

  ''I still can't believe,'' He started, looking back up to [Y/n] with an incredulous look. ''That you went shopping, while big blue was fighting Ronan.''

  [Y/n] also found it quite funny, finding it in herself to laugh with him.

  ''And Groot was there too!'' He threw his arms in the air dramatically, before bringing them back down. 

  ''Even better,'' [Y/n] leaned forward, her chin just barely touching her knees. ''I didn't have to pay. Everyone ran out, so I got to shop freely.''

  Rocket snickered, ''As if we'd have enough money anyway. That buyer didn't pay us for bringing the orb.''

  ''True, let's just hope we get some money out of it.'' 

  ''And if we don't, we can rob Quill.''

  [Y/n] laughed at Rocket's suggestion. She fell back against the wall, her laughs toning down to soft giggles before they completely stopped. Rocket found himself giving her a look of admiration. Though, he hadn't stopped. 

  Unbeknownst to either of them, Peter was currently watching from the hallway. He knew the secret feelings that Rocket had for [Y/n], and he's pretty sure Rocket doesn't even know he has them. 

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