The Letter.

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It had been about a month since 'the incident' Harry was now constantly wearing a blue scarf mask to cover the scar on his mouth. He was working on the Dursley's lunch when the mail was delivered. "GO GET THE MAIL YOU FREAK." his uncle yelled and Harry got up to get it right in front of him lay a yellowed letter it said

=To Mister Hysteria.L.Potter the cupboard under the stairs Privet Drive Little Whinging=

Now Harry {dispight what his teacher might say} was not dumb in fact if he wanted to he could get the best grades and his school he knew if the Dursleys saw this they would take the letter and rip it to shreds so he slipped the letter into his oversized pant and gave the rest of the mail to Vernon he was about to go back to his cupboard but Vernon grabbed his arm and stabbed him with a pen  Harry winced and hurried to his cupboard and opened his letter 

=Dear Mr. Potter  we are pleased to inform you that you've been accepted to Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardy please find the enclosed list of neccesitys term begins on september first we await your owl no longer than july 31 yours sinserely Minierva mcgonagall deputy headmistris=

Harry- no Harry didnt sound right seeing his actual name on the paper. Hysteria was a wizard, It had to be a joke.. just a cruel joke bye some cruel person, but that wouldent make sense.. harry waited until night fall and snagged a pet and paper and wrote 

=Dear proffesor. Is this a joke? i certantly hope not. If this is real i would love to atteand but my  releitives would problably flip out. im very confuesed and would appretiate if you explain what this means. im assuming the owl thing mean that i just give this to some owl. -Hysteria Potter=

Hysteria snuck outside and surely egnoth there was an owl, Hysteria handed the letter to it  walked back to his cupboard and hoped for the best.


my spelling went to hell. love ya guys.. bye!

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