The sorting.

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Hysteria had just stepped out of the express and he was already mystified, the castle was beautiful Hysteria could spend hours just staring at it. " 'Irst years over here! first years over here!" he heard Hagrid yell and he stalked over taking his seat in a boat "4 to a boat please!" Hagrid called and they were on their way to the castle


Hysteria stepped inside the great hall he was amazed as he took a seat with the other first years one of the kids whispered something about the roof but he didn't bother to see who. Hysteria looked over to Draco who was waiting for the sorting to start, eventually an old hat was brought out, and had started to sing

"Oh you may not think I'm pretty"

"But don't judge on what you see"

"I'll eat myself if you can find"

"A smarter hat than me"

"You can keep your Bowler's black"

"And your top hats sleek and tall"

"For I'm the Hogwart's sorting hat"

"And I can cap them all"

"There's nothing hidden in your head"

"The Sorting hat can't see"

"So try me on and I will tell you"

"Where you ought to be"

"You might belong in Gryffindor"

"Where dwell the brave at heart"

"Their daring nerve and chivalry"

"Sets Gryffindor's apart"

"You might belong in Hufflepuff"

"Where they are just as loyal"

"Those patient Hufflepuffs are true"

"And unafraid of toil"

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw"

"If you've a ready mind"

"Where those of wit and learning"

"Will always find their kind"

"Or perhaps in Slytherin"

"You'll make your real friends"

"Those cunning folk use any means"

"To achieve their ends"

"So put me on! Don't be afraid!"

"And don't get in a flap!"

"You're in safe hands (Though I have none)"

"For I'm a thinking cap!"

Once the students finished clapping a women started calling up the kids

"Abbot Hannah!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Bones Susan!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Brown Lavender!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Corner Michale!" "RAVENCLAW!"

"Crabbe Vincent!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Finch Flechly Justin!" "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Finnigan Seamus!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Golbstien Anthony!" "RAVENCLAW!"

"Goyal Gregory!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Granger Hermione!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Longbottom Neville!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Parkinson Pansey!" "SLYTHERIN!"

"Patil Parvati!" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Potter Hysteria!" Hysteria nervously walked up to the chair and sat down 'Hmmm strange one indeed...' 'What's so bad about being strange?' 'nothing. in fact it's quite refreshing' 'Alright' 'You could do great things in Slytherin and Gryffindor even in Hufflepuff.' 'no thanks on Hufflepuff I don't like yellow' 'alright I know where to put you'


Hysteria's tie turned blue and white and he walked to the Ravenclaw table to watch the rest of the ceremony the ravenclaws cheered over getting Hysteria eventully they where escorted to there commonrooms and Hysteria plopped onto his bunk and fell asleep.


i was very tired while wrighting this so sorry bout the grammer mistakes lol  to clear thing up. all of the other non said or metioned charecters went to there originol houses. i dont wanna change the story to much after all. i dont see alot of ravenclaw harry and i wanted to try and wright him like that but gryffindor is easier  but i chose ravenclaw anyways ill figure it out as i go on. bye snowballs! <3

Hysteria Potter and the Philosephers stoneWhere stories live. Discover now