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Theresa opened the door to find Kiana and an unfamiliar face.She knew they weren't from St. Freya.

"Kiana...Who's your... friend?'' Theresa questioned.

"Her name is Mei. I found her in the woods nearby,and she needs somewhere to go.Can she stay here in the dorms with us?"

Theresa sighed.She supposed there was enough space for another person .Though there were already four women in the dorm room.

"Fine,but she might have to sleep in your room until she can register for St.Freya."

The girls headed to Kiana's room to rest for the remainder of the night.

To verify that Mei was okay for the night, Kiana asked,"Do you need anything? I have extra blankets if you're co-"

Abruptly, Mei mumbled,"Why did you help me? You could have left me there,everyone else would've done that."

After hearing this,Kiana sat on her bed,where Mei was sitting,and softly said,"When I saw you there...You reminded me of myself.I couldn't see another person go through something like that.And I can't just leave someone in the woods by themselves.That's just too cruel." 

"I reminded you of yourself? What do you mean?"Mei asked.

Kiana choked back tears.What was she to say? That she didn't know how to handle her feelings?Or that she couldn't tell if people actually liked her or just talked to her when they were bored?

Before she could answer,Mei said,"You can tell me when you're ready,if that's okay."

Kiana burst into tears,and Mei pulled her into a hug.They both needed comfort that night.

Once kiana calmed down,they went to sleep together and they held each other in their arms until the next morning.

Found-Kiamei (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now