Chapter 3: A Devils Plan

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As she got to school, she had Luz's hoodie with her. She and Luz had homeroom together so she decided to give it to Luz. She hadn't remembered that she was using it because all she remembered was that when she finished showering the hoodie was left in the bed. Her brain was really fuzzy. When she saw Luz was sleeping at her table, again, she walked up and sat down next to Luz. There was still a good 5 minutes before homeroom started so she took that chance to wake Luz up.

"Hey, Luz. Wake up you sleepyhead." She shook Luz lightly and she woke up groaning. "Ugh what time is it?" She asked yawning. "It's 8:26. Also you left your hoodie at my place last night." She took out the neatly folded hoodie from her bag and passed it to Luz. "Ah, thanks. Can't believe I left it last night." She quickly put it on when she realized something different. "Did you...did you use my hoodie?" She asked chuckling. "No? Maybe it's my bag." Luz pulled her closer and placed her face at Amity's neck taking a whiff. And there it was, the same cotton candy and berry scent that was on her hoodie. She let Amity go and the said girl was confused. "Why did you do that?" Luz let out a small smile, "sure you didn't use it." She ignored Luz and focused back to her teacher who had just came in.

By the time school was almost over, there was a sudden burst of rain. The bright blue sky was quickly exchanged with the dark grey sky with droplets of rain falling at a rapid speed. Thunders and lightnings followed along with it. Everyone who was outside away from shelter quickly ran and scattered to find some place dry. Some had umbrellas but still paced quickly to avoid being caught in the rain for to long. Some were enjoying the rain as they ran and kicked puddles at each other.

As school ended, it was still pouring, but not as heavy as it was earlier. Amity was waiting for Hubert to pick her up but seeing the amount of cars, she could tell that it would take at least half an hour. She hated the rain, especially when it was autumn. It was cold. She sat by the bench at the entrance when she heard someone speak from behind her. "Why hello there, Amity." She sat up at the voice but she slowly turned around even if she knew who it was. "Can I help you Koby?" She asked. "Oh, no reason." He took a seat next to Amity as they sat there in silence, listening to the rain shower. It took a brief moment before Koby spoke up again. "Y'know. I could take you home. I have my car parked at the back. There isn't anyone else but the teachers left at the school. Well maybe some other students."

She looked at him, unsure if she was willing to take in the offer. He's friends with Chase, so she couldn't trust him. The same time, she hate waiting in the rain for to long. "I know what you're thinking. I promise I'm not like him. I don't even like girls, you know that right," he said reassuringly. She didn't know he was gay so the chances are low. Amity begrudgingly accepted. She texted her driver that Koby would be sent home and he quickly replied an apology and that he took note of it.

Passing by in the hallways she saw some students who stayed back for after school practices or classes or some who stayed back for other reasons. That's when she saw an old friend of hers. "Hey Willow!" Koby said waving at her who was on her way to the greenhouse. "Hey Koby and...Amity." They didn't have much of a good past with each other. When she was only five, her mother threatened to kick Willow out of the school they attended if she was still friends with her. After she told Willow about it, Willow tried to fight back but when she did, she was caught off guard when Amity stepped in and humiliated her in front of the entire class.

How much she regretted that very day. Willow might not hold grudges against anyone but Amity was unsure. What she did was diabolical. They might exchange some hi's in the hallway at some time but after what she did, she couldn't even face Willow. Willow was part of Chase's group. Not too sure how but all she knew it was because Willow was part of the female rugby team. And what was impressive about her is that she was captain of it and that they've won trophies for the school. Just like Luz, Willow didn't much join Chase at times.

By the time she finished her flashbacks of Willow, they reached Koby's car. He unlocked the car and both of them stepped in. He inserted the keys in the ignition and started the car with a loud roar. "If that was supposed to be impressive to anyone then they'd be pretty stupid." She hated when people, especially guys when they make such loud sounds with their car thinking it would attract someone. Maybe some yeah but most of the time it was really annoying. Like who would wanna hear the sound of an engine roaring so loud at seven in the morning?

They drove onto the road to where Amity's manor was. They sat in silence, only listening to the sound of the radio. Watching the rain pour onto the windshield seeing them hit then fall down. It was too much traffic which was not unusual to people who lived there. People were working on the Mid-Autumn Festival so of course it'd be jammed on the road. Either they're buying stuff for the stands or part of the road was taken up by construction workers who were building needed things for the festival.

There wouldn't be much to the festival. It's just concerts, stands, games. All the basic stuff. But to Amity, she has no idea what it is. She'd only hear from her friends or other people around her. As they got out of the traffic and into the clearing, Koby took a turn away from Amity's. "Uhm, where are we going?" She asked getting anxious. He only had a smirk forming on his face. "Koby? Where are we going?" She said getting even more nervous and scared when she didn't get an answer. She looked at him who only kept his eyes glued on the road. She didn't get an answer so she was now full on terrified. Her hands gripping into the leather seats even more.

Soon, they reached to a small house in a small neighborhood. He parked his car in front of a house that had colourful lights flashing out the window. They
were also other cars that were parked by the sidewalk. He took out the key from the ignition and spoke, "come on." She shook her head and he got a bit ticked off. He slammed his door shut and went to where the passenger seat door was and opened it. Amity yelped when he pulled her out of the car. She tried pulling back but her brain wasn't processing anything so she stayed in Koby's grasp. He opened the door to reveal more people inside. They were partying. Some sat on the couch, some stood and some where in the kitchen.

Koby held a firm grasp on Amity's wrist as he dragged her into the living room where they saw Chase. He was sitting down with a few other people-mostly girls. They were all laughing at what he said before Koby cleared his throat. When Amity saw him looking at her she knew what was gonna happen. "So you did manage to bring her eh?" Chase chuckled. "Aight I did now pay up." Chase quickly pulled out a bundle of cash and gave it to Koby who took it. He left Amity's hand go. Before she ran off, Chase grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of the house and into a car. "W-where are you taking me?" She stuttered. He turned to her and spoke, "just shut up and sit still or I'll make you shut up myself." He quickly drove off from the house and back onto the road.

Panic seized her. She didn't know what to do. She was already kidnapped by Koby-who she should tell Boscha to not fall in love with-then Chase took her hold and now she has no idea where she's going. All she knows is that it could go from his house to somewhere else.

But since when was luck on her side?

He brought her somewhere in town and stopped in front of an ice cream shop. He parked the car and turned to Amity again. "Y'know, it's either you date me and we can stop here or." Amity quickly cut him off by yelling, "no! I will never date you no matter what you do." She was really scared and she had no idea why she yelled at him. All she knew is that she was in big trouble. "I see how it is." He snapped his fingers and the next thing she knows is that someone appeared from behind her and covered her mouth and nose with a napkin that contained chloroform. She was trying trying to pull their arm off or try and reach for the lever to push the seat back but she couldn't find it nor could she pull the person's hand off her. Everything slowly went black and her body went limp.

As Chase and the person behind him saw how Amity quickly stop struggling, he checked her pulse. Fortunately she was alive. Unfortunately, she was about to get into something big. Since the car's window was tinted black-plus the sky being dark and grey-no one could see much movement in the car. He brought the car back into drive and drove into an abandoned alleyway going deep and into a hidden side of the town. Parking his car by a door he got out and told the person in the car to wait just in case Amity woke up. Knocking a few times, the door was opened and the person on the other side of the door et him in.

In the car, Amity was left on the chair like a lifeless body. Her breathing was steady. "Oh Blight. Gullible Blight. And I thought a straight A's student would be smart not to fall for this." They move to the front seat and sat down. Turning to face Amity they grabbed her face. "Hmm, you're really pretty aren't cha? I wonder how you'll look under all these clothes." They took a good look at Amity for a nice few minutes to examine her body structure. "For a 17 year old, you seem to have more curves that all the others. And your breast seems bigger than the others too. No wonder Chase likes you very much." He was about to touch her when Chase knocked on the window.

"Aight man, they're gon bring 'er in." They nodded and got out of the car. "So much they paying?" They asked. "They wanna see 'er first. Y'know measuring shit whatever."

About a few minutes later, 2 men came out of the building and carried her in. The inside looked better than the outside. The walls were painted a light shade of red with a dark shade for the all the doors that lined up in the corridor. The red carpet that was placed on the floor. Reaching the end, they placed her into the room on the bed. Another man came in bringing in a case. "Alright, let's get started." He said.

Taking a look he smiled. "My my, you guys brought in a Blight eh? The youngest one too." Everyone in the room laughed as the man started changing Amity in different pieces of clothing.

About three hours later, everything that Chase wanted was settled. He got in the car with his friend. "Nah man. Can't believe she was worth that much!" Chase exclaimed. "Yeah, 26.7 million? That's a whole lot of cash. So we drinking tonight?"

"You know it man."

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