Chapter 8

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Lucas. P. O. V..

I was lying down on my bed scrolling through my mobile.. This bed is really too big for me.. After we came back, we did our homework together.. And I have to admit it.. Sia is brilliant .. In short she is a genius.. She already finished this term's portions and is  way ahead of everyone in the class.. Still.. No one knows.. Other than me.. Her teaching is so simple and her notes are cute like her.. It's fun studying with her..

I study well for two have to learn everything and earn some money.. Second.. I am competitive and I don't like to come second to others in whatever I am doing.. But.. If I come second to sia.. I think I won't mind..

earlier.. I really got pissed like .. What that bastard seriously want.? Uncle told me not to let him close to her.. But  I wouldn't have  let him even  if he didn't  said . I hate that bastard.. Always.. He is my only rival in studies.. Now even for the girl... Do we have same standards or what..? Why does he always end up being the one competing with me..?

" he isn't my classmate.. He is my boyfriend..  you shouldn't talk to my boyfriend like this.. "

Bathump.. Bathump... Gosh .. Her words keep rininging in my ears.. And my heart flutters thinking about it.. If you looked so cute even when you are  mad.. Of course he would also like you.. Why is she so adorable..?! I am going crazy..

Knock knock...

I looked up from the bed and she is really there.. Peeking inside from the door..

" come in.." I said as I am too lazy to sit up.. What time is it..?

" lucas.. Am I disturbing you..?" she asked walking inside in her pajama holding a rabbit plushie..

" nope.. what's up..? What the.. It's already eleven..?!! Why aren't you sleeping..? "

I asked as I checked the time.. She walked towards my bed and sit beside me.

" lucas.. Can I sleep with you.? " she asked with an innocent face.. I jerked up on the bed and stared at her.. Calm down lucas .. She is a baby..she wouldn't mean that..

" huh..? What..?" I mumbled and she looked down perplexed..

"it's.. I am scared to sleep alone.. Daddy said he won't come home tonight.. He is staying in the office." she said hugging her rabbit..

See.. She just wants to sleep beside me.. I should shut my dirty mind off ..

" I see.. Sure.. The bed is too big for me anyways.. "

I said as I flopped down and she smiled bright as she lied down beside me and I had this  fervent urge to cover  her with my bed sheet.. She smiled at me..

" do you always carry  that plushie around ..?" I asked and she nodded a yes..

" huh... Dotty.?  Dotty was  with me since I am five .. It's a memonto from  my mom.. It was handmade by her .. See.. it have beautiful magenta eyes like her.." she said as she placed that plushie in between us..

What.? This feels like I am playing house with her.. What is this bunny..? Our child..? Why is it sleeping in the center..? She even covered it with our bed sheet. Haah..

" but it doesn't look that old.." I mumbled

"yeah.. I always take good care of it.. It's name is dotty" she said and smiled..

I really feel like babysitting her..

" ohh.. Hii Dotty.." I mumbled staring at that bunny.. It really is cute.. she giggled..

"lucas.. Good night." she mumbled and closed her eyes..

"hmm.. Good night.." I said and her hand passed through dotty and hold mine.. She look even more cute while sleeping.

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