Scars and Bonds

155 3 27

Hi everybody!

So, here's the interlude chapter which technically crosses into a new arc.

Again, trying to do as much as I can before I'm sent out. As it is, these next few weeks are probably going to be particularly heavy.

Just for clarification. I'm in the Navy.

Join our discord for announcements.

"Friendships show us who we really are."

Denki and Kyoka sat together in the hospital room, hands intertwined as they stared at his mother, recovering on the bed.

Kyoka's parents, Mika and Kyotoku were also present, having arrived as fast as possible when they'd found out their little girl had been present at the fight and also damaged her throat even further.

"What were you thinking, Kyoka?! You could have died!" Mika scolded her daughter for the umphteenth time since they had arrived more than an hour ago while her father seemed to be glaring daggers at both Denki and his own daughter.

The scolding and glaring were however interrupted by a voice calling out from the door.

"Mister Kaminari?"

He perked up once he saw the doctor enter the room holding a notepad.


"We have...good news and bad news..."

Denki teared up, but Kyoka squeezed his hand. Quickly bowing his head before raising it, he motioned for the doctor to continue.

"First off, I want to say that she will survive. Although the damage was...grievous. The restoration of blood flow was just in time to prevent permanent brain damage, and the damage to her ribs and spine will eventually heal."

Denki shuddered, but waited for the other shoe to drop.

"That being said...she did suffer a lot of trauma...especially to her heart. Among other things..."

"Just...just say it, doc..."

The doctor sighed before nodding.

"She'll more than likely be blind in her eye, and the damage to her spine was heavy, so she'll need to be confined to a wheelchair as she heals...her heart however, sustained so much damage in so little time, that she needs to retire from hero work... the strain will be too much on her if she keeps going... and... about that wheelchair..."

Denki could only sit in silence as he waited for the final verdict.

"She will need to be confined to it if she wants to travel outside of your home. Her heart won't be able to pump enough blood to her organs if she has to strain herself too much."

Denki continued nodding as he tried to control his emotions.

"However, with time and treatment, we are confident that she'll heal enough to walk under her own power once more...but that would be the extent of it. Even the Vod'e has said that while bacta is a wonderful creation of healing, even it has its limits. To restore something as important as a heart would take... years at best. Let's look at All Might for example." He said, and found some x-ray scannings.

"With the reveal of his identity, we pleaded for help from Recovery Girl about using the bacta tanks. She advised us and, with permission from All Might, we were able to review his records of treatment under bacta."

"Now, granted, his injuries were from six years prior, but it still stands to show that bacta's regenerative abilities are miraculous but limited, organs were able to be regrown...but not to the same extent as those in the rest of the body."

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