War in Rodenius

211 9 2

February 12 2015/1639
Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

While Russia was just bordering the Rodenius continent in the New World, Japan was flung far to the other end of the vast ocean between Rodenius and the 2nd Civilization Area. In fact it was so close that radio signals from the nation of Mu could be easily picked up. And that was exactly how the Japanese had first contact with the Muans. Now, the language that was spoken in Mu sounded very strikingly similiar to Japanese, so much that the Japanese radio operators thought it was a prank being played by some Hackers.

When the radio conversation was brought to the attention of PM Yomoya, there he saw a golden opportunity. There was a chance that there were nations in this world who could be stronger and bigger than Russia. So if Japan allied with these nations, then the Russians would think twice about violating the treaty. So immediately, the radio station was engaged in conversation with. When the highest possible Muan leader came to see what the radio disruption was all about, they were baffled that a nation to the uncivilized areas had radio signals. So ofcourse that leader put forward the establishment of diplomatic relations and the sending of a delegation to this country of Japan.

The Muans would be even more baffled when they learnt that Japan was none other than their old ally Yamato empire that they had when they weren't yet transferred to the New World. "Well sir, it is my pleasure to finally make the acquaintance of the Prime Minister of our old earthly ally of Japan. Funny isn't it? We are now both transferred nations." -Said the Prime Minister of Mu, Neito Le Mu

However this friendly reunion wouldn't be for long. Because later the Japanese picked up another radio signal which started in German-
"In ferner Vergangenheit, vor dem Krieg, lebte eine Prinzessin. Ihr Name war Valka. Ihr Vater war ein grausamer Mann, der ihr Zimmer abschloss, wenn sie etwas tat, was ihm nicht gefiel"
(In the distant past, before the war, there lived a princess. Her name was Valka. Her father was a cruel man who locked her room whenever she did something that didn't please him.)

"What the hell is that."-One of the radio operators who had studied German back in high school understood what was said and was confused.

He then changed the radio frequency before the intro finished and picked up something else, an encrypted signal. It was garbled and unintelligible at first but soon afterwards it became clearer as the American installed decryption Algorithm automatically got to work. In less than a minute the voices were understandable. To someone who knew German of course.

"Was zur Hölle ist los?!" (What the hell is going on?!)

"Wir haben den Kontakt zu unseren Kolonien verloren!" (We have lost contact with our colonies!)

"Die südliche Grenze ist weg!" (The southern border it's gone!)

Soon a flurry of voices came in as very panicked voices filled this frequency. He changed the frequency back towards the story of the princess. At that moment in time to be interrupted by a new anchor of sorts with a well dressed man sitting at a desk.

"Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unterbrechung dieser Sendung, aber es ist etwas passiert. Ein helles Licht erschien über Ragna und anderen Städten im ganzen Imperium. Wir lernen nur, was gerade passiert, aber nach dem, was wir wissen, haben wir den Kontakt zu unseren Kolonien verloren. Wir werden Updates bereitstellen, sobald neue Informationen veröffentlicht werden."

(We apologize for interrupting this broadcast, but something happened. A bright light appeared over Ragna and other cities across the Empire. We're only learning what's happening right now but from what we know we've lost contact with our colonies. We'll provide updates as new information is released.)

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