Ch-1 Quirkless & Deku

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Yagi House

It was a beautiful sunny morning, the birds were singing, the light from the sun was nice and warm, and people were rising to start their days.

All was quiet this early morning at the Yagi residence, until the four year old greenette Izuku Yagi, woke up in his All Might themed room. As he opened his eyes, he remembered what day it was, and hurried out his door to get to his sister's room. Izumi had hair like Toshinori, long and blond and her eyes were blue like her father's.

Izuku: "IZUMI, IZUMI WAKE UP! TODAY'S THE DAY!" shake Izumi 

Izumi: "Iz...uku? why are you... OH RIGHT! OUR QUIRK TEST IS TODAY!"


The twins ran into their parents bedroom to wake them up. due to Toshinori's job, they had more than enough money to afford the large house that they lived in, as Izuku and Izumi ran past the gym and the bathroom, they turned a corner to their parents bedroom and barreled straight into Toshinori's legs, knocking him over.

Toshinori: "OOF! What are you two doing up so early?"

Izuku & Izumi: "Sorry dad. We were coming to wake you and mum up to take us to the quirk test today!"

Toshinori: "Hmm, that was today wasn't it?" he mused. "Well, tell me what your quirks are when you get back." Toshinori seemed to be in a rush.

Izuku: "Aren't you coming with us?"

Toshinori: "Sorry little Izuku, but work calls."

Izumi: "It's ok dad! We'll tell you about our quirks when you get home!"

Izuku: "Yeah!"

Toshinori chuckle: "All right then little ones, I should be back by four o'clock!" After Toshinori got back up and walked off, Izuku and Izumi ran to their mother and woke her up, reminding her that the quirk test was today. 

Inko: "Well then, you two better get dressed while I make breakfast."

Izuku and Izumi then rushed back to their respective rooms to get ready, while Inko went to the kitchen to cook their breakfast. 

Inko: "Toshinori must have been called to deal with a villain, he was almost as excited as the kids for this." Inko chuckled to herself at the memory of an excited Toshinori.

Time Skip (Quirk Hospital)

Doctor: "I'm sorry kid... But you're quirkless"

Izuku:"W-what ?" He said quietly while sitting on the chair in the doctor's room.

Izumi and Inko were shocked after hearing the news. His son didn't have any quirks at all. This has to be a mistake.

Inko: "Are you sure, doctor? There has to be some sort of mistake, right?" 

The doctor looked at her and then placed the test result on his table. 

Doctor: "As you can see, there isn't any extra toe joint in your son at all. And we ran a blood test just to make sure and it showed no active signs of quirk. I'm sorry, kid, but you're quirkless," 

Izuku was shocked. Without even realizing it, he dropped his All Might figure and just stared at the floor while holding his eyes so as not to cry.

Doctor: "But the good news is that your daughter has the same quirk as you but is much stronger. If she trains herself every day, she could be an amazing hero in the future."

After hearing the good news, Inko just smiles happily while looking at her daughter. 

Inko: "Did you hear that, Izumi? You're going to be an amazing hero." She immediately turned around and hugged her daughter. They were so happy to hear the news that they didn't see Izuku looking at her mom with a sad look.

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