chapter 1 - reunited

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Castiel slammed his fist on the rusted wooden table, which was now indented and cracked. He looked up at Sam as he was on the phone with Ash, still trying to find the where abouts of his older brother "thanks Ash, just give me a call if you hear anything" he hung up glaring at Cas.

Cas glared back, trying his best not to break into tears. "You're sure he hasnt prayed to you or called for you?" Sam questioned with a worried look on his face. "No, I'm positive I would know!" Sam looked back at the now teary-eyed Angel.

"Hey, hey, Cas, im sure he's fine he's probably with some random chick," Sam said, trying to calm down the teary-eyed Cas, hoping what he said himself was true.

Cas couldn't take it anymore. He rushed out, not letting Sam say anything. He started walking, walking in whatever direction he was pointing to when he got out of the motel room. Walking till he heard a fermiliar voice talking and laughing, he looked up into the brightly lit dinner and stood in awe.

Dean was there, surrounded by a group of very attractive women. 'Dean was there.' Castiel thought to himself, then it hit him. He rushed into the dinner, screaming out at Deans name almost at the verge of crying. Dean poked his head out from the side of the booth with a now more concerned and annoyed look.

He excused himself from the ladies and walked over to Cas, grabbing him firmly by the wrists, almost hurting the Angels hand.'Had Dean gotten stronger? No, there was something different about him.' Cas thought to himself before being briefly interrupted by a very stern and angry voice calling his name.

He shook his head, snapping out of it. He was taken back by the magestic green, eyes in front of him, but they were not the same, cheerful eyes they used to be. They were dark and soulless. Cas gulped as he then went from looking at his eyes to then looking at Deans pretty pink lips. Clearing his throat, he looked up and gave Dean a stern. "Where have you been?" followed by question after question after question.

Dean grabbed Cas by the collar of his shirt and pulled him inches away from his lips, and asked angrily. "How the hell did you find me, Cas!? Were you followed!? Is Sam here!?" He stopped. Why did he stop?the Angel thought to himself, and he was now anxious that a new feeling was bubbling inside of him. The angry man then looked down at Castiels growing erection and went close to Castiels ear and whispered, "So you like being this close, huh? Never took you for that guy Cas, naughty boy. " Cas looked up at the man shuttering at the breath on his ear.

Cas felt himself being pulled by the tie and into an alleyway. He was pinned to the wall by Dean, something he only ever dreamed of. Dean placed his right leg in between Cas' legs, pushing onto his growing election, earning a sudden gasp of pleasure from Castiel.

Dean teased and left love marks of Castiels neck and jawline, biting softly along the way while moving his leg, pushing on Castiels now hard cock.
"Bye Cassy," Dean giggled as he walked away, leaving Castiel in a loss for words. When realising what had just happened, Castiel ran around the corner to where Dean had walked off, and he was nowhere to be found.

WHAT THE HELL HAD JUST HAPPENED!? Castiel was internally screaming. He didn't know how to feel, confused, happy, angry, excited, or anything! He used his grace to teleport to the motel room where Sam was worried sick, waiting for Cas.

Sam was shook as the sudden appearance of Cas gave him quite a spook, as he was just about to ask Cas where he was. Cas flopped onto the bed and screamed into his pillow. "Woah, Cas, what happened?" He asked, both worried and confused.

"Deaaaaaaan," he said, mumbling into the soft satin pillow. "Wait, what!? What do you mean, Dean, is he alright!? What's going on with you?" He was stopped by Cas giving a loud groan, turning to face the ceiling. He started explaining that he had walked and seen Dean in dinner and that when he went to confront him, he pulled Cas into an ally and did things...

"What do you mean 'things'?" Sam asked genuinely confused. He then looked down at Cas' still half hard dick in his pants. "AWE DUDE! COVER THAT SHIT UP MAN!" He said, throwing a nearby towl at him.

Cas flushed red and was clearly embarrassed. He then went to the bathroom to take care of his 'problem', but he just couldn't get his mind off of Dean, his strong leng grinding onto Cas' covered dick, him pinning Cas on the wall, leaving bites and marks that would be there for days then with a loud gasp and him yelling out Deans name he came in his hands. He groaned as he rode out his high and then cleaned up.

Dean, on the other hand, who could now hear whenever someone called his name, which was annoying at times, he then knew immediately what Cas was doing, he gave himself a wicked snarl and even giggled a bit.

*Time skip a few days*

Dean was now in his beautiful black 67 Chevy Impala, and he was cruising on the empty road. He then saw a car, a truck. It was a dark tone of red with tinted windows, so you could not see inside. Being the cautious man he is he sped up, only leading the truck behind him to speed up a swell, before he knew it the truck has sped up even more and blocked the road infront of him. He slammed the brakes so as not to crash into the truck, confused he got out of the car, ready to scream at the person behind the wheel.

He then saw Castiel and his brother Sam getting out of the car. He backed away slowly as they got closer. He didn't know what to do, so he got his keys back out. He fumbled with his keys and dropped them, bending over to pick them up he felt someone graze his hip. He looked up at it was Castiel, looking to his other side was Sam, pulling Dean into a long tight hug. Dean squirmed as Sam just held on tighter.

When he let go, he punched Dean softly in the shoulder and asked where he had been for the past few months, talking with a stern voice. Dean looked down at Castiel as he was shorter than him, looking down at the red embarrassed and flustered man he couldn't help but laugh. Dean soon walked back into the car, and without saying anything, he buckled his seatbelt and flicked his now pitch black eyes and laughed while driving away.

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