chapter 2 - slept with a demon

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Sam was in awe and was lost for words as he had just witnessed his own brother turn into a demon. Cas boiled with rage, and he slammed his fist, only the truck leaving a big indent in it.

Dean was in his car laughing away as he looked in the rear-view mirror as Castiel looked back at him, with puppydog eyes. He almost felt bad, soon getting the idea of Castiels big blue eyes looking at Dean while he sucked him off. He slammed the brakes. Slowly reversing back to Sam and Cas.

They were taken by surprise when they saw the Impala drive back at them, moving out the way Sam was nearly run over. Dean looked red, really red, almost furious, or was it something else? Dean got out of the car, slamming the door, and he grabbed onto Castiels wrist with an iron grip. He shoved him into the back-seat, locking the doors of the car.

He turned back to Sam. " Don't worry, Sammy, I'll bring him back even better than before," Dean gave Sam a wink and got back into his car. Speeding away, Sam oddly felt reassured, confused as he was he knew Cas was safe. He got into the truck and drove on the narrow road to go to bobby's garage till Dean and Cas returned. Hoping for a job so he wouldn't get bored, he sighed.

On the other hand, Castiel was getting worried. What if Dean was going to torture him? He was interrupted by a stern voice. "Don't worry, you're not going to get tortured, actually you're gonna have the best time of your life, Cassy," with a wink Cas turned bright red. He looked out the window as they slowly pulled up to a motel, It looked relatively nice. "Stay." Dean growled.

Cas was feeling fluttery, like he was going burst any minute. Dean had already been gone, assuming he went to book a room he waited. Soon later, Dean came back, unlocking the back door he dragged Castiel out of the car with a tight grip on his wrists. They were surely going to bruise.

Dean unlocked the door with one hand, his other still being on Castiels small, oddly feminine wrist, Dean pulled him inside, and the door behind him was still open. He threw cas onto the bed while going back out to grab a black duffel. Once he came back in, he locked the door and opened the bag, not letting Castiel see. He got out some rope and started loosening it out of its knot.

Cas looked up, almost afraid he took one big gulp. Dean started tying Cas to the bed. Once he was tied really tight, Dean went back for the duffel, Castiel looked up with struggle, getting a glimpse of a black blindfold, and he got shoved down by Dean, tying the blindfold around Cas' eyes, he soon started to rip off Cas' clothes. Castiel shuddered as the cold air hit his now bare skin.

Dean left Castiels boxers for last. Knowing he could tease him with it, Dean soon got up and went to Castiels ear and whispered, "You ready, Angel?" Dean smirked at the sight of  Cas gasping at the sudden contact of Deans rough hands on his soft, smooth skin. Dean then brought his lips to Cas' inches away. Cas could feel Deans breath on his lips. He was taken back by the sudden slamming of Deans lips onto his own.

Dean smiled under the kiss as he then intruded with his tongue. Sliding it along the inside of Cas' mouth, earning soft moans, he bit Castiels bottom lip as he pulled out of the kiss. He soon moved down to Castiels jaw, leaving small bites and hickies on his jaw. Moving down his neck, hitting Cas' sweet spot and getting a loud whine in return. Dean felt his erection growing at every noise Cas made.

Dean slowly sicked down Cas' torso, nibbling on one of his nips, causing Cas to arch his back slightly. Dean then stopped. "Why'd you stop?" Cas said with a sullen sad tone. He was met with the sound of a bottle opening and Deans pants unbuckling. He knew what was next and got excited, a bit of precome spilling into his boxers, showing his hard bulge.

Dean ripped off Castiels boxers, and soon Dean poured some of the lube on his fingers . At a sudden gasp of pleasure from Cas Dean, he pushed one finger into Castiels hole, giving some time to adjust. Cas nodded his head as Dean slowly thrusted his finger in and out of Cas, working his tight hole, Dean entered another finder. Getting a screech from Castiel, Dean smirked, knowing he had hit his prodtate. Giving Cas some time to adjust, Dean slowly worked his fingers, hitting Castiels prostate every time.

"Oh-ohh, Deann." "What's that, Angel? Cmon beg for it, beg for my cock" thrusting in and out faster getting louder gasps and moans from Cas "aahhh- FUCK, FUCK, FUUU-CK. JUST FUCK ME ALREADY, PUT YOUR DICK INSIDE ME ALREADY DEANNn" he managed to get out. Dean laughed at Cas as he had screams of pleasure echosing in the room. Surely people would have heard him.

Neither of them cared. Dean whispered to Cas, "Are you ready?" He got a reply, just frantic nods. He took one side of blindfold off just giving Cas a heads up, Cas gave a reply with shocked big blue eyes and an intense gulp, Dean was huge, 9.5 inches, Dean lowered the blindfold back down and pulled his fingers out slowly, a soft moan came from Cas.

Dean put some lube onto his length and started silently rubbing it, so it covered all 9.5 inches of it. He stopped after a quiet groan, and he lined his dick to Castiels hole, earning a soft moan and shudder. He pushed the tip in as Cas tried to grab onto something, precome spilling out his tip. Dean slowly went inside, and not even a quarter in Cas was screaming with pleasure.

"Fuu-ckk Deaan, just doo it alreaddyy" he got out. Dean smirked and pounded into Castiel. He gasped for air as he was screaming Deans name over and over again, Cas came, spilling his juices all over himself, whereas Dean was nowhere near his limit. Dean kept pounding into Cas. The room just got louder and louder by the moment.

After a good hour of that, Dean finally came, Cas was so sore he couldn't move, and Dean soon untied his Angel and removed the blindfold. His angel was beautiful. They lay there till the sun rose.

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