Social anxiety y/n x natasha

68 1 6


Tw: panic attack, crying, bullying, my terrible writing

Words: 1262

(I don't have social anxiety so I'm sorry for any mistakes in the feelings)

Y/N pov:
I woke up and looked to my side to see that I woke up at 7:30 a.m shit shit shit shit I thought I'm late for school I sat up so fast that the world started to spin. But I couldn't give a shit about that at the moment I rushed to my closed to pick clothes for the day and ran into my bathroom

You're wearing something like that:

(if you don't like it just imagine something different)

I've been living with the avengers for around 5 years now. Natasha adopted me when I was nine and yes Natasha Romanoff the black widow. At the beginning it was so cool and everyone was too scared to even talk to me except for 3 people and that were Ned, Peter and mj that changed after like a year when everyone finally noticed that mum wouldn't do anything to them as long as they were friendly to me.

Now that I am in Highschool nobody cared about that anymore they didn't care if I would tell my mom wich I, to be honest, wouldn't do because they said they would beat me up if I would oh and you probably wonder who I mean with „they" I mean my bullies.
Sarah, Cassie and Leonel, well these are my main bullies I get bullied from almost my whole grade.
Of course Peter, mj and Ned know and they care but they can't really do something about it. Of course they tried and the bullying stopped for a while but then they just started doing it when Ned, mj and Peter wouldn't notice.

When I finished rushing through my morning routine I ran down and my eyes searched for my mum who just came out of the kitchen.I practically jumped in her way and rushed through my question: „canyoudrivemetoschoolimlate" after an blink of an eye she understood my question -I mean it's the black widow-, nodded and grabbed her keys for her motorbike. I yelled a fast „bye" to the others and got a few „goodbye"s , „bye"s and „see you"s back. My mum gave me a helmet -yes she always wants me to wear that- and we drove way. I have no idea how but we stopped at my school just in time. I jumped off and gave her the helmet while I was doing that she Told me „have a good day Detka" I just smiled and said „love you" well I'm not sure how much of that she heard because I was already almost in the school building when I finished my sentence.

*Timeskip til lunch at school bc I'm too lazy to write it bc it's almost midnight*

I was sitting at a table eating an apple and just chatting with mj, as Sarah walked up to me and just poured milked over me and according to the smell the milk was already expired, and trust me expired milk smells awful, suddenly the whole cafeteria looked at me and became quiet. But not my heartbeat it felt like my heart was going so fast that it would jump out of my body, that it pounded so loud that everyone could hear it. I felt my breathing picking up. I looked at mj who probably knew even before me what was going to happen. I stood up, feeling the tears prickling behind my eyes, and ran as fast as I could to the toilets and into the last stall, I didn't even make the afford to lock the door I just leaned against it and finally I could let my tears slip.

The tear that I thought would only be a few tuned into a whole breakdown I couldn't really breath and my face must have looked so red and tear stained form all the crying. When I suddenly heard my mum calling my name.

Nat's pov:

I had just finished baking cookies with Wanda when I got a call from mj. Shouldn't she be in school I thought before I picked up. „ uhh mrs. Romanoff I think y/n needs you" I immediately changed into my -how y/n likes to call it- ^worry mother^ mode and asked: „what happened? Is y/n okay?" mj answered: „Well it's not life threatening but I think you better come and get them" I just muttered a fast „thank you" and was already out of the compound and on my way to school.

When I was there I could already see mj standing there, I ran over to her as mj started walking, I just followed her and asked:"what happened?"
Mj answered: „ that girl poured milk over y/n and then everyone looked at them and started whispering about it, y/n ran off - i guess to the toilet stalls- and I thought because of their anxiety that they would probably get a panic attack so I thought I should call you." she just finished when we were standing in front of the door to the toilets. I said: „ you better go to class I'll take care of y/n" mj nodded hesitatingly obviously not wanting to let her friend alone know but still trusting me enough to know that I would handle that and she walked away.
I walked to the toilets and could already hear y/n crying how much I hate it to hear those noises I walked up to the last stall where the crying was coming from and called y/n's name „mum?" I could hear them choke out. „Yes sweetheart. Can you let me in?" I tried to sound as calm and comforting as I could.

I could hear them crawling over and opening the door and I could see y/n sitting there crying and struggling to breathe right. I rushed over to them and sat down. I started talking about my day because that would usually help but it looked like it wouldn't help today so I said: „y/n can you tell me five things you can see?" they nodded „ the toilet, you, the floor" they tried to concentrate „you're doing great sweetheart" I praised them „ummm my shoes, the door" „perfect, now four things you can touch" the floor" their breathing become a little bit calmer „your hand, the toilet, the wall" „you're doing amazing sweetheart, now three things you can hear" your voice, my voice, your breathing" „ two things you can smell." their breathing was almost completely normal again. „The toilet" they made a disgusted face. „ you" „almost done,one thing you can taste." „my tears" and their breathing was normal again. I embraced her in a, how u could feel, much needed hug. „Let's go home now and on our way back we get ice cream and you tell me about that girl and what is happening on school at the moment okay honey?" y/n nodded.

And that's what we did after they told me about the bullying and everything I decided to let's say ^talk^ to the Bullies' parents and the bullies. After that the bullies were never seen again at midtown high.


It was pretty shitty I know but I hope you still enjoyed it but I'm writing this at midnight while I'm sick sooooo I hope it's okay

Have a good day💕/night💕

And drink and eat something please 💕

Long hair or short hair?


Edit: I really need ideas so if anyone could write me an idea I would be really happy and I'll try to make it as good as I can for you <3


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