chapter three : late night walks:).

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TW : swearing, kissing.

As the years went by, we all got older, still the bestest friends you could ever imagine. Our bond never broke and it was all because one day Quackity, Punz and Purpled decided to enter the gloomy forest of Walkerville.

"Happy birthday, Toms." Quackity said, handing Tommy £100.

"OH MY GOD?! Yo thanks Quackity!" he squealed excitedly.

"Can't believe you're 15 now little man." Quackity smiled, ruffling Tommy's hair.

"Oh shut up. You're just old." he laughed.

"Am not! I'm only 19!"

"Yeah? Exactly bitch."

"If you keep being mean to me I'll uninvite Purpled~" Quackity smirked, knowing damn well that Tommy had a small crush on Purpled, even though he was denying it, even to himself.

"Hey — you can't do that! I'll stop, I'll stop, okay?! Just let him come..."

"Better. Now let me call him and see where he is." Quackity replied, pulling out his phone and raising it to his ear. "Hey Purp."

"Hey Quackity!"

"So. I was thinking..." Quackity smirked, leaning closer to the phone so that Tommy wouldn't hear, "Why don't you take Tommy on a nice walk tonight?"

"B-But isn't that a bit... I dunno, isn't that sorta like a date..?" Purpled asked nervously.

"And? Don't you like him bitch?" Quackity whisper-yelled into the phone.

"Ye-Yeah... I do! But-"

"No but's. You're taking him. This is your chance Purpled!" Quackity shushed him.

"Yeah! You're right! I'll be there in a few hours, kay?" Purpled stated, his confidence growing.

"Mhm. Awesome!"

~Time skip : at 8pm~


There was a knock on the door. Huh, I wonder who that could be? He thought curiously, sliding down the stairs and opening the door.

"Oh, hey Purpled!" Tommy said excitedly, pulling him into a tight hug. Purpled blushed, hesitantly hugging him back.

"H-Hey Toms. Would you — Would you wanna go on a walk with me?" Purpled asked, shifting nervously to the side.

"Yeah, sure! Do you mind, Wilby? Quackity?" Tommy questioned as he had previously been playing a board game with the two.

"Not at all. Go right ahead." Quackity smirked, slapping a hand over Wilbur's mouth.

"MMRUMM QUACKMIMYY!" Wilbur squealed.

"Sounds like a yes to me." Tommy giggled, grabbing Purpled's wrists and pulling him away from the house.

Tommy turned around to look at Purpled and began walking backwards, "So... where are we going?"

"Somewhere I think you'll like!" Purpled said, grabbing Tommy's hand, rubbing them lightly and dragging Tommy towards the spot. They soon arrived at a stunning, quiet park. There were flower beds, a water fountain, and heck! There was even a bunch of cats roaming the area. Tommy's eyes widened as he knelt down to stroke one of the adorable cats.

"Oh my god, Purpled! This is so cute!" he squeaked happily, hugging the cat softly.

"Yeah..." Purpled responded as he stared down at Tommy, his smile glistening perfectly in the small amount of light that was given to them from the stars that shone above. Tommy let the cat free and flung his arms around Purpled's neck. Purpled went as red as a tomato,

"Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" he repeated as Purpled slightly lifted him off the ground.

"No problem Toms."

Tommy let go, standing properly and staring up at the sky, leaning on Purpled's shoulder.

Purpled giggled happily, "You enjoying yourself?"

"Duh!" he replied, beaming at Purpled. Tommy stared into Purpled's eyes, admiring his features, Holy fuck, Purpled is gorgeous. he thought, smiling softly.

"Toms? Are you alright? You're staring..." Purpled laughed nervously.

"Huh? What?" Tommy replied, snapping back into reality, "Oh! Right! Sorry..." he muttered, shuffling away from Purpled, embarrassed.

"What you walking away for, love?" he smirked, taking a step towards Tommy, cupping his chin in his hands. Tommy looked up, his face burning red.


Purpled nodded, staring at Tommy in awe. Tommy then did something he would never forget, never until the day he died. He grabbed Purpled's collar and pulled him forward, kissing him roughly — yet passionately. It felt warm. It felt kind. But most importantly — it felt right. Purpled melted into the kiss, grabbing Tommy's waist gently, letting Tommy rest his arms around Purpled's neck. They slowly pulled away, staring into each other's eyes. They both smiled, dumbfounded as to what just happened.

"I-" Tommy began.

Purpled shushed him and brought him into a hug, hugging his waist and kissing his head.

"You're so cute." Tommy giggled, hugging back immediately.



"You're gorgeous, Toms."

"Says you, my love." Tommy laughed, playing with Purpled's soft blonde hair.

Purpled pulled away, "Tommy... do you want to be mine?"

Tommy jumped into Purpled's arms excitedly, breathing heavily, "Yes! Of course I will!"

// PURPLED AND TOMMY ARE BOYFRIENDS WOOOO! (wanna clarify that I genuinely don't ship Tommy with ANYONE other than his girlfriend personally BUT I wanted to put Tommy in a cute relationship in this and I wanted to keep it MCYT:D) also want Quackity and Wilbur's pov of this? And what they were doing???😱😱😱

845 WORDS!!

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