chapter four : an abusive bitch of a thief.

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TW : swearing, abuse, blood

3rd person pov (with Wilbur and Quackity) :

"Ah. Love birds." Quackity chuckled as Tommy and Purpled shut the door.

"Did you seriously set my little brother up on a date with his best friend-?" Wilbur gaped, glaring at Quackity, who was leaning against the wall.

"Yep." Quackity replied.


Quackity's phone went off. He reached for his pocket, pulling it out and clicking on the notification.

"OH MY GOD!" he screamed excitedly.

"What?! What happened?" Wilbur asked, smiling slightly.

"Sch-Schlatt asked me out!"


Pure silence.

What? What was this feeling..? Wilbur thought, his hands clenching into tightly kept fists.

"He... what?"

"Yes! I have a boyfriend now! Oh my god..?! Wilbur...?"

Quackity turned to Wilbur, whose eyes were bright red, tears were seconds away from falling. What? What was wrong with him?

"Wilbur? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing, I'm happy for you. I just remembered I have to go and do something, kay? See you." he sighed, walking up the stairs.

"O-Oh? Okay... See you Wil."


"Hello?" Quackity said into the phone.

"Hey pumpkin;). How are you?" the voice on the other end asked.

"Schlatt! Hi! I'm great! How about you?" he blushed, smiling sweetly.

"Amazing dear. How would you feel about a date on Thursday? 10pm?"

"I- yes! Of course! Where at?"

"Hm, what about the Pizzeria down town?" Schlatt suggested in a kind tone.

"Yeah — Yeah, of course!"


"Hey, I'm here to meet uh — Jschlatt..?" Quackity said to the lady.

"Table 4, sir." she smiled kindly, handing Quackity the menu.

"Thank you." he replied, walking in to see his date waving sweetly at him from a table in the far left corner. Quackity sprinted up to him and sat down.

"Hi baby..." Schlatt winked, resting his hand on the table.

"H-Hey! So..."

"So let's get to know each other a bit better, hm? We already know each other pretty well because of University but... What's your favourite colour?"

"Blue!" Quackity nodded.

"Ah, mine's red. Do you have a group of friends you hang with at school?"

"Yeah! I do! My best friend,Wilbur! I also hang out with my friends Tommy, Purpled, Tubbo and Ranboo who go to Secondary School down the street, and I hang around my friend Techno who recently graduated so him and my older brother Punz are going to take a training course for battle!"

"Hm, very cool. Well instead of this 'Wilbur' guy, why don't you come sit with me and my friends, sweetie. It'd give us more time to bond, don't ya think?" he grinned.

"Oh, I uh— I dunno..? We'd have to sort something out so some days I can sit with him... y'know?" Quackity shifted awkwardly in his chair as he spoke.

"Okay darling, we can start with that..." Schlatt smirked, leaning over the table and cupping Quackity's chin in his hands. "May I kiss you, honey?"

"Oh! I dunno... We only just started-" he began, getting cut off by Schlatt smashing his lips onto Quackity's "Mm, Rmph, Mrahh! Schlatt get off!" Quackity half-yelled, pushing Schlatt back into his seat.

"Hm, being a bad boy now are we? Alex, you have to understand, to be a good boyfriend, you listen to my orders, got it?" Schlatt stated firmly, grabbing Quackity's hand and heading towards the door. "No food for you now, we are going to head to my place."

"Sorry babe, I'm just new to this..." Quackity replied, wrapping his hand around Schlatt's.

"That's okay, baby. There's a first for everything!" Schlatt smiled, hugging Quackity tightly.

Quackity giggled, "Thank you."

"No problem, hun." he smirked, dragging Quackity into his house. "Why don't we have some... fun?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Like this." Schlatt laughed, unbuttoning the top few buttons of Quackity's shirt. Quackity pushed him away nervously,

"S-Sorry! I'm just... not comfortable with that." Quackity whispered, buttoning his shirt back up. Schlatt's face twisted in anger.

"What do you MEAN, you're not COMFORTABLE?! You must listen to my demands you useless piece of shit!" Schlatt yelled, slamming Quackity into the wall, punching him in the face, making his nose bleed uncontrollably.

"P-Please... I'm-I'm sorry! I just don't think I'm ready yet..?" Quackity mumbled, trying to blink back the tears as Schlatt continuously slammed him into the wall.

"A good boyfriend would LISTEN." Schlatt shouted, pulling his knee up and kicking it into Quackity's stomach.


"You need to learn a lot Quackity. A good boyfriend would love me and listen to my orders correctly. Right now, I feel like you don't love me..." Schlatt cried, pulling on Quackity's hair, before creating a bruise over Quackity's left eye.

"I-I'm sorry... You deserve better." Quackity sobbed into Schlatt's chest.

"It's okay, my love. As long as you learn... Go home now, okay? Call someone to pick you up. I need to calm myself down, kay? I love you."

"I love you too. Thank you for forgiving me. I don't deserve someone as amazing as you." he smiled softly, kissing Schlatt's cheek and walking outside.

"I'll wait here with you. Call someone."

Quackity picked up his phone and dialled Wilbur's number, "Hey Wil!"

"Hey Quackity." he said sadly, he sounded as if he had just cried for hours on end.

"You good, Wil? You sound upset..." Quackity asked, worried.

"I'm okay... Need anything?" Wilbur questioned, his voice shaking as he spoke.

"Uhm... Yeah actually! Can you come pick me up? I'll send you the address."

"Yeah... okay. Bye!"

"Bye!" Quackity muttered into the phone, ending it and turning to Schlatt, who looked like he was about to murder somebody.

He pinned Quackity to the wall, slapping his cheek hard, leaving a bright red mark on the right side of Quackity's face.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?! You just practically cheated on me! You fucking flirted with him in front of me!" Schlatt screamed, digging his nails into Quackity's skin.

"N-No..? Me and Wilbur are only friends!"

"Well have this as a lesson to you! Never. Flirt. With. ANYONE. In. Front. Of. Me. Again. Okay? You hear me?!"

Schlatt pushed his fist into Quackity's thigh, leaving it to bruise almost immediately.

"I-I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have acted like that! I'm so stupid!" Quackity cried, letting his head drop.

"I'm leaving. Bye. See you tomorrow." Schlatt mumbled, leaving Quackity to sob as he slid down the wall, clutching his hurt eye sadly.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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