a heart beats fast

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a heart beats fast

abcc rhyme scheme

A heart beats fast
Of course it does, it's pumping blood
But it pumps something else too
And I wish I could tell you

A love like no other
That's how this feels
It's something full of butterflies
Though I keep whispering to you lies

Denial can be a girl's best friend
Why can't it be?
You make loving so easy
And continue to make my stomach queasy

Do something, something quick
You make me want to confront you
But then I get this rushing feeling
And I soon again start concealing

It's weird, y'know
You have this girlfriend
And I know deep down she's super sweet
And I wish I can be like her, so petite

I feel ugly
I feel like the one not right
I feel like I'm not good enough
God, what is good enough?

Maybe one day I can tell you
Yes, one day for sure
But that day is not yet here
But I feel that it'll soon be near

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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