brother time<3

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•3rd Person Pov•
Just another day, eternal waiting.. Aym and Baal were in position, not talking, not smiling, not doing anything.. Just waiting..

•Aym's Pov•
"brother..? Do you ever get annoyed and bored of waiting?.." Aym would say looking at Baal, he would always get bored of Eternally waiting. It just got so boring, all the time. Baal replied after a minute or two, "yes, Brother, I do get bored. But we must remain faithful, remain patient. Remain trustful," this made Aym a bit sad knowing his brother is telling him to be quiet and wait.. He just wish they had their freedom and justice yet.. He got so impatient of waiting.. But luckily, they had a little time to themselves since The One Who Waits was sleeping. Aym would walk over to Baal soon hugging him, "it's nice to know were brothers.." Aym would say as Baal nodded. Baal would soon add "I'm glad we get to spend eternal Waiting with each other," as he smiled. This made Aym happy. He wanted to always keep his brother happy, even at his worst times.. But.. Right then.. A lamb appeared.. The Lamb appeared.. Great.. How will this turn out..

•Baal's pov•

That Lamb appeared.. As me and Aym were talking.. I was.. Having fun.. But guess it's back to positions.. We'd get in our positions as The One Who Waits Speaked with the lamb.. I never liked the Lamb.. It was like.. He was pure evil.. But.. At last.. I cannot loose faith and hope.. For he is the one to justify our freedom.. Our justice.. As when he sets our Lord free.. We will be free.. We just need to trust and wait.. As the lamb left our Lord gave us a command.. "Fear not, my servants. As our eternal waiting is almost up.. And we shall be set free. Your justice and freedom will be granted. Do NOT loose faith. For you should trust me." me and Aym were glad he cares about us.. Back to eternal waiting..

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