Our Lord..? (Tw!!)

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•Baal's Pov•

I was just standing guard as I looked at my brother Aym.. He looked.. Sad? That isn't normal.. I stared at him, his ears went down as he looked off in a different direction.. I don't know what was wrong with him.. But I want to help.. I NEED To help.. I don't care if I misbehave.. So, I put a paw on his shoulder, "hey Aym.. You doing alright..?" Before he could speak.. He.. Got slapped in the back of the head by.. Our.. Lord..? What?! Why would he do that!? I flinched away as Aym yelped in pain.. His ears went down.. Why.. Why would our Lord do something like that?! Isn't he supposed to be a caring and loving Lord?! What did Aym do..? He wasn't doing anything wrong.. It was my fault anyway.. I swear.. If The One Who Waits keeps treating him like this I might not be his loyal subject anymore.

•Aym's Pov•

I got slapped again.. Baal was only trying to comfort me.. How is that fair?! Can't we care for each other!? I swear to the holy beings.. I am going to rip something's head off!! I mean. Who's going to stop me?!  Because God forbid Baal will!! But.. I do have to think about him.. He is my little brother.. I keep my calm for him. Only for him. Only then will we be set free then..

(Hey guys! Sorry this took so long, I am very busy, it's a very short chapter lol, stay safe! Have a nice day/night! -creator<3)

(269 words)

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