Chapter 19

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"Hi Jungkook baby"??? Said

Every turned their faces towards the door and saw Lisa standing there.
"What are you doing here?"Jungkook said coldly
"I come here to see you baby, who are they?"Lisa said
"First of all, I'm not your baby and secondly they are my friends"Jungkook said  coldly
"Don't be so cold kookie, we are going to get married soon"Lisa said
"We will see who will marry you"Jungkook mumbles
"Did you said anything?"Lisa said
"Why would I tell you"Jungkook said rudely
"Don't be rude Jungkook baby"Lisa said
"Whatever"Jungkook said

"Hyung let's go home"Taehyung said
"Taehyung?"Jungkook said
"Hm?"Taehyung hummed
"You will come back right?"Jungkook said
"I will"Taehyung said
"Minnie, Yoongi hyung and gummie, let's go"Taehyung said
They went from there after saying Goodbye to Jungkook and Jin.

As soon as Taehyung entered the home he wents to his room.
"Bogummie, go behind him before he hurts himself"Yoongi said
"OK hyung"Bogum said as he wents behind Taehyung
"I can sense he is so sad Yoongi"Jimin said
"Yeah, he shouldn't lie to Jungkook"Yoongi said
"Don't worry everything will be ok"Jimin said
"Hope so, now go and freshup"Yoongi said
Yoonmin also wents upstairs to their room to get fresh.

In Taehyung's room
Taehyung came in the room and starts to cry, then Bogum entered the room.
"Taehyungie, don't cry"Bogum said as he hugs him
Taehyung didn't spoke anything he just hug Bogum tightly and cried on his chest.
After sometimes he calmed down so Bogum made him sit on the bed.
"Why are you crying?"Bogum said while holding Taehyung's hands in his owns.
"Nothing gummie"Taehyung said while avoiding the eye contact
"Don't lie to me tae, i know you are crying cause Jungkook agreed to marry Lisa"Bogum said
"It's not like that, why would I cry cause of this"Taehyung said as his eyes get teary
"Then why are your eyes getting teary?"Bogum said
"Nothing just, something went in my eyes"Taehyung said
"You can't lie to me Tae, i know you still love Jungkook, why you lied to him?"Bogum said
"I don't know Bogum"Taehyung said
"You know you loves him truly, even he loves you truly, he saved you from gunshot just because he loves you"Bogum said
"He just did it out of pity"Taehyung said
"You think someone can save you from gunshot just out of pity?"Bogum said
"I don't know anything"Taehyung said
"Taehyung, you are hurting yourself and Jungkook also by doing this"Bogum said
"Even if I said truth what about you? You lovřes me? You will be sad"Taehyung said
"I just wants to see my love happy nothing else matters for me expect of your happiness "Bogum said

It was so hard for Bogum to say this cause he loves Taehyung since college time but he wants Taehyung to be happy, if he gets broken he will be ok but he can't see his love sad, ofcourse who can see their love sad.

"But"Taehyung said
"What but?"Bogum said
"I don't wanna marry Jungkook, I'm still scared if he hurts me"Taehyung said
"The man who saved you from gunshot can hurt you?"Bogum said
"I want sometime Bogum"Taehyung said
"You can take time but don't regret later"Bogum said
"I will not"Taehyung said
"I am going"Bogum said as he wents out without any further discussion

He comes to the balcony and looked at the sky.
"Why I'm so unlucky"Bogum said while looking at the sky
"I just wanna jump from here right now but I can't die, I miss e-eomma"Bogum said while crying
"I wish y-you can c-come back, you know after after you left f-father abandoned me"Bogum said while looking at the sky
"Just i know how I survived at that time"Bogum said
He was busy in crying when he felt a hand on his shoulder he turned around and saw Yoongi.
"H-hyung, you here, everything ok?"Bogum said
"Why were you crying gummie?"Yoongi said
"I wasn't crying hyung"Bogum said while smiling, ofcourse a fake one
"You can't lie to me kid"Yoongi said
Bogum hugged him and starts to cry on his chest.

"H-hyung, I d-don't wanna l-live, I w-wanna die"Bogum said while crying
"Bogum what's wrong my kid? Why are you saying this?"Yoongi said as he cupped Bogum face in his hands
"H-hyung, I miss E-eomma, I c-can't live, kill m-me p-please"Bogum said
"Shhh, calm down, i know you miss your mom but she is always alive in your heart baby, don't cry"Yoongi said
After sometimes Bogum calmed down
"Hyung, you know I'm so unlucky"Bogum said
"Why you thinks like this Bogum?"Yoongi said
"First God snatch my mom from me, then father abandoned me and now God snatched my love from me"Bogum said while smiling weakly
"Bogum, we still don't know what will happen, be strong Bogum"Yoongi said
"I know he will marry Jungkook, he loves Jungkook, Jungkook loves him, I will never become a third person in-between two lovers"Bogum said
"Then I will find a beautiful Prince for my gummie"Yoongi said
"I don't want anyone"Bogum said as he wents from there

"It's getting so hard to handle these kids, they are all sad and broken, Why are you testing them so much God, if I care about Taehyung's happiness then I care about Bogum's happiness also, i can't see any of them sad"Yoongi said
"Everything will be ok Yoongi"Jimin said while coming from the behind
"Oh, you here minnie, come let's go and make dinner"Yoongi said
"Yeah and don't be sad Everything will be ok, I am here with You"Jimin said
Yoongi smiled and both wents to downstairs.

Time skips to the next morning
Everyone did breakfast and wents back to the hospital.
Right now everyone is sitting in room waiting for Jin to come as today Jungkook will get discharge.
After sometimes Jin came in the room.
"Let's go Jungkook"Jin said as he helped Jungkook to get up
Jin was about to fall as Jungkook is heavy so Taehyung wents to help him but Jungkook said something which make Taehyung's heart broke into million pieces.

To be continue:)
No suspense for today, I guess😅
Btw can you guess what Jeon said?

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