Chapter 20

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Jin was about to fall as Jungkook is heavy so Taehyung wents to help him but Jungkook said something which make Taehyung's heart broke into million pieces.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands(to lisa) help me"Jungkook said
Lisa came near him and helped him, they all went out of the hospital.

In Min's mansion
Taehyung was sitting in living room thinking something.
"What is he thinking so deeply?"Yoongi said to Jimin
"I guess he got hurt by Jungkook's words"Jimin said
"Let me ask him"Yoongi said
"Taehyung"Yoongi said but Taehyung didn't listened so Yoongi shooked him a little
"H-huh? Yes hyung"Taehyung said
"Where were you lost kid?"Yoongi said
"No where hyung, did something happened?"Taehyung said
"I would be the one asking you this, did something happened?"Yoongi said
"Nothing hyung"Taehyung said
"Did you got hurt by Jungkook's words?"Yoongi said
"Why would I got hurt by his words, I don't care at all, he don't deserves me"Taehyung said while looking down
"Really? If you have courage then say this all by looking in my eyes"Yoongi said
"I am tired hyung, I am going to sleep"Taehyung said as he wents from there without any further delay
"He is behaving weird"Jimin said
"Dumbo, he is hurt by Jungkook's words"Yoongi said as he smacked Jimin's head
"Ouch, yeah you are right"Jimin said
"Now go to him before he again try to hurt himself"Yoongi said
"I am going"Jimin said as he wents to Taehyung's room

"Bogum, are you free?"Yoongi said
"Yeah hyung"Bogum said
"Can you help me in making lunch, I'm kinda tired today"Yoongi said
"Then take rest, I will make lunch by myself"Bogum said
"No bogum, let's make it together"Yoongi said
"You always do alot of works, so now go and take rest, i will make"Bogum said as he pushed Yoongi lightly
Yoongi smiled seeing his caring kid and wents to his room to take rest.

With Vmin in Taehyung's room.
"Taehyung, why are you so dull today?"Jimin said
"I don't know minnie"Taehyung said
"I know you got hurt by Jungkook's words, I don't wanna say it by mistake was yours as well"Jimin said
"Are you blaming me?"Taehyung said
"I am saying that you shouldn't lie to Jungkook, then this all wouldn't happen"Jimin said
"I know i did a huge mistake"Taehyung said
"Then when you will correct your mistake?"Jimin said
"I can't I guess"Taehyung said
"You can tae, told him everything already"Jimin said
"I will"Taehyung said
"But when?"Jimin said
"Don't worry about that minnie"Taehyung said
"I am going to Yoongi, take care of yourself and don't you dare to hurt yourself"Jimin said in a warning tone
"I won't minnie packet"Taehyung said while giggling
"You bratty bear"Jimin said
"Go go, your husband must be waiting for you"Taehyung said
Jimin wents out of the room.

In Yoonmin's room
Jimin entered the room and saw Yoongi laying on the bed.
"Are you okk Yoongi?"Jimin said worriedly
"Yeah, I am okk, just a little tired, is Taehyung okk?"Yoongi said
"He is alright, he just got hurt by Jungkook's words, I told him to tell Jungkook everything"Jimin said
"What did he said?"Yoongi said
"He said he will tell him"Jimin said
"And when?"Yoongi said
"He said don't worry about it"Jimin said
"Uff this kid, I am afraid what if something happened?"Jimin said
"Don't be afraid minnie, nothing will go wrong"Yoongi said
"Hope so"Jimin said
"Come Let's sleep for sometimes"Yoongi said as he pulled Jimin on the top of him
"What about lunch?"Jimin said while placing his head on Yoongi's chest
"Bogum said he will make it today"Yoongi said
"Okk but why you felt little warm?"Jimin said
"I am alright minnie"Yoongi said
"You have fever Yoongi"Jimin said while placing his hand on Yoongi's forehead
"Just a little, I'll be fine after sleeping, let's sleep"Yoongi said
"You are so silly, you always cares about everyone you should take care of yourself as well"Jimin said in a scolding tone
"I am sorry my little one, don't scold me and let's sleep"Yoongi said while hugging Jimin who was laying on the top of him
Soon both of them fall asleep.

Time skips to 4 am
Bogum was making lunch when Taehyung entered the kitchen.
"Where is Yoongi hyung Bogum? And why are you making lunch today?"Taehyung said
"Yoongi hyung is in his room, he was tired and he was also looking pale so I told him to take rest"Bogum said
"Ohhh, do you want any help?"Taehyung said
"No, I already made it, just go and wake Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung"Bogum said
Taehyung nodes his head and wents to wake Yoongi and Jimin.

Taehyung entered in Yoonmin's room and saw Jimin laying on the top of Yoongi.
"They are cute, i wish I will get someone like Yoongi hyung"Taehyung said
"I don't wanna wake them up but i have too"Taehyung said
"Yoongi hyung, Jiminie, get up it's lunch time"Taehyung said
Yoongi opened his eyes and saw Taehyung.
"What happened Tae?"Yoongi said
"It's lunch time Hyung, get up fast"Taehyung said
"You go we are coming"Yoongi said
Taehyung wents out of the room.
Soon they both got freshed and went downstairs.

In dining room.
Everyone was eating expect Yoongi.
"Hyung why aren't you eating?"Taehyung said
"I don't feels like eating"Yoongi said
"Are you okk?"Taehyung said
"Yeah, I am okk"Yoongi said
"Liar, you are having fever and you are saying you are okk"Jimin said while rolling his eyes
"What? Hyung can't you take care of yourself?"Taehyung said in a scolding tone
"Don't scold me you little kid, I am okk"Yoongi said
Time skips to the next day

Right now Yoongi and Taehyung was in Yoongi's office when they heared a knock on the door.
"Come inside"Yoongi said
Yoongi's 2nd secretary entered the cabin
"Sir Mr Jeon came to meet you"Secretary said
"Send him Here"Yoongi said
After sometimes Jungkook entered the cabin.
"Hello Hyung"Jungkook said as he hugs Yoongi
"How are you kook?"Yoongi said softly
"I am okk, how are you?"Jungkook said
"I am also okk, come and sit"Yoongi said
"Hello Mr Kim"Jungkook said coldly
"Hello Mr Jeon"Taehyung said coldly
Although Taehyung got hurt by Jungkook's cold tone but he also behaved coldly.
"Why are you suddenly here?"Yoongi said
"I came here to give you this"Jungkook said while handing Yoongi an envelope
Yoongi was about to open the envelope when Jungkook said
"Can Mr Kim open it?"Jungkook said while smirking
Taehyung took the envelope from Yoongi and opened it.

As soon as Taehyung opened the envelope his heart brokes into million pieces.

To be continue:)
Can you guess what's inside the envelope?

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